#FrameItFriday (season 7)

#FrameItFriday (season 7)

#FrameItFriday (season 7)

Well looky what I ran across (ok I spotted them in a tree obvs). It's a pretty poor shot but holy my moly 4 Bald Eagles that I'm not 100% sure what the family make up is. It was tricky with cars speeding by, me parked roadside. Them up in the tree together, hydro lines in the way and all. I'm thinking that one's the mum, one's the dad, an older "child" and the baby on the lower right side. In the 30 seconds I stood there, one by one they flew off in 4 different directions. I saw them again a day later and counted 5 in total! If only I could find where they nest. If there is a mum and dad there they can't be nesting this year as they'd be on our near the nest. Perhaps it's all the parents kids and the parents ARE on a nest somewhere. I must solve this mystery. Keeping it short this week and next as I'm working on a project that I'll tell you about in a few weeks.

Peace, love & kumbaya,


#CanonGirl #PhotoStories2024 #HeatherCardlePhotograper


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