#FrameItFridayI did a late night Temu order a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I do bad things like that. My order came in and 3pcs in it are reproduction vintage dresses. I have a model already lined up and we're going to do a shoot this coming week. I'm excited and my brain holds a tornado of ideas. We've a few locations scoped out and I know I have some sweet props tucked away in the steamer trunk. It would be nice to get my mitts on a funky old pick up truck....hmmmm....I just thought of someone who has one. I wonder if they'll let us borrow it? It's exciting, I'm excited, my model is excited and is all over that vintage look. In fact, she rocks it. It certainly will be a change from taking bird and wildlife shots that's for sure. I'm also hoping it will draw some more models out of the woodwork for me when they see the shots. Fingers are crossed. If something like this sounds fun to you, let me know, shoot me a message.In other news, I'm happy to report that the little black flies are gone yippee but have been swiftly replaced by our old buddies the mosquitoes. I've got spray for that so I'm not worried plus the dragonflies are out in full force along with new parents that have hungry babies in nests to feed so we'll hold them at bay. They're not so bad until you walk on the grass, that activates them. That's ok because the resident grass cutter extraordinaire has been working like crazy on the lawns sometimes 3xs a week cutting it and it looks superb. I don't dare walk on it and leave footprints and activate the mozzies. One of my upcoming gigs is a wedding (I do very few of them because it's just me shooting) the thing about the ceremony is that the bride and groom will be dressed in Nigerian wedding garb and it's taking place up at a cottage. How super cool does that sound? My brain is in overdrive with ideas for the wedding party/family shots. Super excited over here. Oh geesh, look at the time. I can't believe I'm headed to Peterborough on a Friday, insane I know but I've a sweet little Aunt to visit and a Costco top-up to do so off I go. Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!Peace, love and kumbaya,Heather #CanonGirl #PhotoStories #HeatherCardlePhotographer @followers
P.S. about the photo, I believe the bee was sliding in the flower to grab a nap! lol