#FrameItFriday Happy Fri-yay! Sure is nice to experience so sunshine, the neighbourhood is waking up! Our winter resident Otter was spotted rolling around in what's left of our snow alongside our creek. Big Otter, he disappeared into the chilly creek surf before I could snag a shot. I was digging in my archives the other day for a specific image. Sadly I never found it but I did come across this image that had we not taken the photo, not a soul would believe we saw this. A few years back my husband and I paid a visit to the Halliburton Forest and the Wolf Centre there. It's a beautiful spot, check it out one day. We proceeded to drive through the reserve in late June. Bugs were HORRENDOUS btw. Roads within the reserve are pretty much for atvs etc, not a Hyundai Tucson but if you know me, we didn't let that stop us. We did get "turned around" a bit and ended up lost outside of the reserve and spotted this guy trotting down the road towards us. It wasn't until it got closer and marched past us that I picked my jaw up off the road and raised my camera to get this shot before it disappeared forever. To this day I've no idea how this fox managed to secure a chipmunk wrapped in a huge slice of baloney.....a baloney chipmunk sandwich. Somebody dined on some gourmet grub that day. Have a groovy weekend!
Peace, love and kumbaya,Heather
#HeatherCardlePhotographer @followers