

#FrameItFriday I opened my side door yesterday morning and looked down and saw, no not a basket with a baby in it but pretty darn close. Boxes of my 2025 calendars, I suppose I can call them my babies because I did "create" them so to speak. Glad I didn't have to give birth to them though, those coils right? Ouch. OMG where am I going with this? Sorry, sidetracked. For all of you have pre-ordered, thank you and for those of you who've said "I want one", time to cough up $35cdn and place your order toot-suite. Let's get these sold out so I can take my donation to Community Care For Central Hastings. The community care folks prepare and deliver 1,000s of meals weekly thru-out the huge territory they cover to local folks whom are housebound. (amongst many other things) I do this in memory of my late wee mum. So giddy up and place your orders!I've been running around to doctor's appointments and blood work labs lately. This getting old stuff truly sucks a big old lemon. Between ME and my car it's been boring-ville for attending appointments and not enough time for shooting....waaaa-waaaa. This too shall end. So, I will just ask for your help in supporting a local Canadian artist peddle her wares (calendar), go and watch my YouTube interview here: https://youtu.be/jvQtIUWy_1w?si=LnEEhxGKsQ_7uKgK and like share and follow me! It's not completely dullsville for me. I'm headed up to the The Village Playhouse in Bancroft tonight to shoot Downchild who are making their final lap of touring (50+ years they've been humming and strumming). And CHUCK IS BACK!! :) There MAY still be tickets available at: https://www.villageplayhouse.ca/legendary-downchild if you're looking for something to do in Bancroft tonight. OK got to go, I'm taking the backroads up to Bancroft and I'm still in my housecoat! Best go ready my "theatre black" ensemble and clicketty clack on the road. Have a great weekend, the weather is supposed to be spectacular!Peace, love and kumbaya,Heather #HeatherCardlePhotographer #2025Calendars #SupportLocal @followers


