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Dear 20-something, you can also retire at 35!
The past decade of my life has been dedicated to asking questions and trying to find relevant answers to them. There are things I wish I knew while I was still in my 20s, which would probably have made me be anticipating my retirement in the next 4-5 years.?
There is a time to hustle and a time to rest. The reason why a lot of people still hustle while they should be resting is because they only focused on earning and?forget to build. If you have no financial backing besides the next gig or salary paycheck, my darling, you are simply living from hand to mouth irrespective of the luxury you can afford.
If the next gig fails or you lose that job you hold so dear, what happens next?? For how long will you be able to keep up without going completely broke?
There are better ways to make your income sustainable without becoming hypertensive in anticipation of your next job or huge contract.
Building means putting your income to work for you. Every penny you make from a job or a contract can be subjected to building other streams of income. This helps to make sure that your streams of income are never exhausted. The best way to make your income work for you is through Real Estate investments.
2. Select a suitable portfolio for you.
While you are trying to put your money to work for you, ensure you are not making the wrong choice of portfolio. Your choice of portfolio determines how fast you grow financially. Consult with a professional realtor before deciding.
3. Move at your pace.
It is understandable that the pressure to grow financially might get to you at intervals, especially when you see your peers achieving great financial breakthroughs. But, you must understand that there is a time for everything. Work with an experienced realtor to determine the best portfolio for you at your level.
4. Watch your spending habits.
Impulsive spending is an enemy of financial growth. If you are willing to build and grow financially, then you must know how to control your spending habits.
I will be showing my in-house community the early retirement framework. A master-plan designed to help individuals retire early to a luxurious lifestyle of their choice. I will be walking them through portfolios with amazing potentials and recommending what works best for them.
If you are still in your early 20s, then time has gifted you with the privilege to learn the secrets to building sustainable wealth that can help you retire at 35.?
To every other person who might be older, this is a second chance to make things right. I chose a second chance for myself to decide the type of life I want to live when I am 50. You automatically hold the fate of your old age in your hands, it's not the responsibility of your children. Whatever blessings your children give to you should be a plus!
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