Fractivist Special Interest Groups are Hypocrites

Fractivist Special Interest Groups are Hypocrites

Lobbying is a double edged sword in politics. When special interest groups do it while simultaneously complaining about it, it is just hypocritical.

There are little topics that are as polarized as politics in America. It has long been said to avoid politics in general as that is a quick way to heat up a friendly conversation and turn it into an ugly storm of bitterness. However, when it comes to natural gas development, there are not many ways to expose the ignorance of fractivists without diving into that hole from time to time.

Many citizens complain about organizations that lobby in political matters, calling the system unjust or corrupt. They believe that those organizations should have no voice in politics. This is a common theme we see from the fan bases of the Sanders and Clinton campaigns. These candidates both say there is too much money from special interests groups that are weakening public policy.

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