FRACTALS- A Broken Story
Fractals are fascinating geometrical objects that contains detailing at atomic level and if we understand it. It is nothing but illusion of self repeating loops at the scale of intrensic shapes and design that exist inside and outside of the environment.
Isn't it Heuristic to understand this things and keep your curiosity at top!!
Fractals are distinct from the simple figures of classical, or Euclidean, geometry—the square, the circle, the sphere.
Types of Fractals:
1.koch snowflake
2.Mandelbrot set
3.Dragon curve
4.Hilbert curve
5.Newton Fractal
6.Menger Sponge
Variations of Geometry at Different Fields:
Math Behind Structures
D = log N / log (1/h)
3.Computer science
4.Applied chemistry
5.Quantum Mechanics
There are some of the areas where it is being used.