On the fourth day of Christmas SupplyWell gave to me... 
Four supply teaching tips and tricks ??

On the fourth day of Christmas SupplyWell gave to me... Four supply teaching tips and tricks ??

To continue spreading the Christmas spirit, we’ve compiled some of our favourite blog resources for supply teachers here. Read our top tips and tricks for supply staff??

1) Starting with ‘5 questions supply teachers should ask when starting a new role’?

If you’re unsure of what you’re unsure of,? this blog can help you ask the right questions when going on supply. Here @SupplyTeach101 discusses the top supply teacher questions to help you feel prepared for your new role (check out their Twitter, some great discussions there!)?

2) Next, we have ‘How To Handle Stress As A Teacher’

At SupplyWell looking after mental health and managing stress levels is so important to us. Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding vocation. Seeing that lightbulb moment across your pupils face is such a high. Just as there’s no denying that seeing real progression and understanding in a cohort is magic. Sadly the other side of teaching can bring frustration, pressure and ultimately stress...

3) ‘Supply Teacher Resources – What’s In Your Bag?’

?From time to time it would be nice to be like Mary Poppins and have a bottomless bag filled with everything that we need… Luckily we've put together a concise resource of teacher toolkit tips to keep you prepared for whatever the teaching day brings you.


4)?Finally, we have ‘10 Top Tips To Classroom Management’?

SuppyWell’s in-house expert and teacher partner Dylan Williams has over 33 years of teaching experience, and he’s certainly learnt a thing or two about classroom management over the years. In this blog, Dylan shares his 10 top tips to keep your class running smoothly. Our teacher partner shares his accrued wisdom with our team of teachers, TAs and cover supervisors while they work in schools, supporting the SupplyWell community with practical tips and techniques.

We hope you've found this article useful and enjoyed celebrating our fourth day of Christmas with us! If you know a teacher who could benefit from our top tips please share this article with them. SupplyWell share blogs weekly that you can read here.



