Four Years Goes By Fast - Seize It
2019 Bogota, Colombia - Universidad De La Salle

Four Years Goes By Fast - Seize It

Back in 2019, I was in some tears. Not sad, but grateful. I was in Bogota, Colombia. I can't fully explain my emotions at the time, but it was my anniversary. My wife, Jan and I celebrated 20 years then. We are now on 24.

I am very fortunate and lucky. That is one reason my eyes were swelling. In my past, I had a practice round earlier in marriage, so I reflect and know that in the grand scheme of things, life has given me abundance.

I have been blessed with three talented, caring, and funny children, four grandchildren and have a dog who often seems to communicate like he's an actual person.

Four years ago, in Colombia, we had a young man who passed out in a classroom next door to mine. The professor asked me to come quickly. There was young Juan laying down on the floor. We called for help, and I talked with the young man to keep him conscious. I patted his face (he was a little clammy), and students gave me some cool water, and it seemed to soothe his face.

You could see the students around him were quiet, but the love they had for him made a difference. He had enough water to drink, those in our orbit were holding his hand, and I told him, "I like your shirt," which had an image medley of someone looking like Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix. He smiled. His eyes were clear.

In the end of this chapter, he ended up being just fine, a case of low blood sugar, but in my past not all has been fine. I have seen some incredibly difficult circumstances get worse.

As Juan was brought to his feet, Jorge, one of the multi-talented coordinators and I brought him to the infirmary (nurse). Meanwhile my own students got to have an extended break.

I was grateful that this young man was OK, and at that moment - all was right with the world - and Juan could continue with life, just like us.

Many of you do this so well. You see what you have been given, and celebrate. For those that do not, take a moment and say to yourself, "I am lucky." You have life. It can be so fleeting. It can dissipate slowly, or end so quickly.

So, if you need a little motivation, here is a picture of my students in 2019 who radiate joy and are living life. Just like you.

I often wonder what they are doing today.


