Four things that require zero talent
There are some things that require a great amount of effort to master in life. Some come naturally to a certain group of people while others have to work hard to get there. If you’re wondering what these things are some of them are skills that you develop over time and some are your talents that come naturally. When you are within a professional environment there are certain qualities that add value to your reputation. These are not areas that you can learn through a tutorial or read in a book. These are the basic qualities that ideally every employee should possess and follow to create a better work background. Certificates and awards might say that you are the best in the subject. But as a professional these qualities say a lot more about you that just a mere paper or a trophy.
Every task doesn’t necessary qualify as an effort. A simple google search on the word will tell you that is “a vigorous or determined attempt” that equals effort. So if you’ve sat back relaxed and done the minimum to complete a task that might not be an effort in your part. Every employee needs to feel that connection with the company that becomes the drive for them to put in their maximum effort to complete their tasks. A single employee’s commitment can make a massive difference in the organisation and even be the start of a ripple effect that we make the other follow. It has to be a two way street when it comes to this aspect, because the effort depend on the company influence and the effort should in turn be recognised as well. Although in the long run this will be one very important block of the foundation that your career stands on. Because no organisation would be thrilled to gain an employee that doesn’t offer 100% to their company. It’s not an act just to get a good name but a genuine push to move forwards and growth with an organisation.
Body Language
Although we don’t pay much attention to it, the people that interact with us can say a lot about our attitude and what we are thinking. If you are someone that looks around the room while you have a conversation and you make yourself comfortable by resting your head on your arm during a meeting, well this might suggest your lack of interest in the subject. Many fail to realize how importance your physical actions are when it comes to the professional environment. Making it look like you’re too comfortable might not work too well in the long run. From the way you talk to the way you stand, talk and even walk says a lot about you. So even if it is the longest most boring conversation in the world, keep your eye contact and even if the meeting is making you sleepy, keep your head up. The smallest gesture adds towards the conversation you’re having or the meeting you’re at, and it will decide whether it affects your personality in a positive or negative way.
In the simplest words this can make or break a person. The expression that one might have in favour or disfavor towards something or someone can create the base of all future events that follow. Surely you have met your fair share of people to know that attitude changes everything. This is not just attitude in general but also attitude towards certain tasks that creates controversy company atmosphere. A single person’s attitude can make the people around feel uncomfortable, put a negative spin on a task and even bring the entire team’s efforts down. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the positive or negative vibes, but it can even be the willingness to take on a challenge, the determination to complete a task or even the enthusiasm that they exhibit towards a project.
Some might argue that this depends on company to company, well it might but it should also be a personal discipline that you follow as a practice. If you work for a company that specifies an in and out time, then surely you have a routine down. But for those that have the flexible hours, then you have got your options, which can mean whether you chose to follow a time to walk in and out of work or that you take use of the opportunity and walk in and out whenever you feel is convenient to you. This determines your personal discipline although the company policies say otherwise. This does not necessarily apply to work hours, it can be anything from a meeting to even a deadline to submit a certain project. Sure, you have the option of stretching the dates and time, although the impression you might give the involved parties will not be the greatest.
These few characteristics can add great value to a person’s career path. If the qualifications and talents are the solid ground then the blocks that create the foundation would be these qualities that pave the way towards a successful career path