The Four Stages of Learning
Maya Konyali
Entrepreneur | Chemical Engineer | Workshop Organizer (Art, Cosmetics, Wellness) | Founder of ArtFlowTurkey | Founder of PatiBase | Passionate About Creativity, Sustainable Beauty, and Holistic Living
Unconscious Ignorance
In this stage , we don't know that we don't know . I know it sounds weird . There is a skill that you are missing but you don’t even know what it is yet. This is the most vulnerable and dangerous stage as it applies to the context of our work lives. We may not want or need to know the details of every aspect of our company, when it comes to our specific jobs and soft skills it is disastrous for us not to know what we are missing. But again, this step is the starting point for any learning. So we need to recognize that there will always be things about our jobs and about ourselves that we don't yet know we need to improve upon while being confident that when the time and circumstances are right, we will naturally move on to the next step which is knowing what we don't know.
Conscious Ignorance
This is the stage where we realize there is a gap and identify the exact skill we need to develop. We realize that there is a missing piece we need to complete. Here we come to a crossroads. Some of us use this gap into a motivation for learning new skills, while some others move on intentionally .For most of the people, the right decision for them will be to learn and have some selfgrowth. I mean what would life be if we don't keep developing new skills.
Conscious Knowledge
This is where the learning begins. This stage remains for a while. In this part of the competence, we are actively learning, but we are yet novices. Our knowledge keeps growing day by day until it becomes part of our DNA. This is the battle stage. If you stay determined and never give up you will come out victorious. In the end what doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
Unconscious Knowledge
The final stage in which we master the new skill or behavior instinctively. We are no longer practicing. While still learning and growing, we have built a strong foundation and can be confident in our competence in this area.