Not sure when to sell your house?
If you’ve been sitting on the fence, we’ve got good news: It’s still a great market for sellers.
The latest data from the REIV for example, shows that, during September, recently sold properties were on the market for an average of just 32 days. Of course, the decision of when to sell your home isn’t solely based on market conditions. You have to take your personal situation into account—and that’s where expert advice comes in handy.
Our experience is now is a great time to sell. Longer days during daylight saving time mean more hours for buyers to look at your property. With less time stress, buyers can think about a move more comfortably. You’ve got equity on your side If you’re not sure where your equity stands, ask us to run a free comparative market analysis to determine the likely selling price of your property.
Another factor to consider is how well your home meets your everyday needs. Perhaps you could use another bedroom (or even two) to accommodate your growing family. Or maybe your kids have all moved out and you’re ready to downsize. Empty nesters can really benefit from selling now while rates are low. It’s very freeing to sell a large home, pay cash for a smaller one, and invest the rest in your retirement.
You should also invest a little to get your current place ready for prime time. Focus your home-improvement dollars on these areas: Paint is the number-one investment when upgrading. Buyers love the look— and smell—of fresh paint. Outside, plant flowers, trim shrubs, and paint the trim. You probably don’t need expensive appliances or benchtops, but new taps and fixtures go a long way.
Want a bonus tip that doesn’t cost a cent? Clear out the clutter and make your home look larger!