The Four Red Flags of Analysis Paralysis - And How to Break Free
Vanessa Loder
● YPO Retreat Facilitator ● Global Keynote Speaker ● Co-Founder Goddess Fun+d ● Author of The Soul Solution ● Women's Leadership Advocate ● Energetic Spark Plug
The difference between worrying and "planning" can be subtle, even non-existent.?
Sometimes, when we’re planning? for the future or analyzing a situation in our mind, what we’re really doing is worrying. We're repeating the same thought over and over again. We try to legitimize worrying by labeling it “planning” and pretending it’s productive, but it’s not.
There are times when it’s useful to plan ahead, but if you’re stuck planning or analyzing on repeat, it might be time to break the cycle.?
Analysis paralysis = unproductive planning.
When I observe my inner dialogue, about 80% of my mental planning is repetitive and unhelpful. I’m not taking action or making a decision to move things forward. Instead, I’m wasting time debating between two options over and over again.?
Analysis can be worry or fear in disguise.?
Notice if you’re looping the same thoughts on repeat. If so, stop second guessing yourself and make a decision. Or don’t make a decision, but decide to table the decision and stop over-thinking it!?
Deciding not to make a decision is a legitimate decision.?
(and it helps you stop spinning your wheels)
It may be that you need more time or the answer isn’t clear yet.
Often when we’re over-analyzing something, it’s because we’re scared of making a mistake, getting it wrong or choosing a less than optimal option. Maybe we’re putting pressure on ourselves to find the perfect solution. Or we’re spinning our mental wheels trying to justify a decision that we believe we “should” make but that feels wrong to our inner knowing. All of these behaviors are rooted in fear.
Be aware of these red flags in order to overcome them:?
?? Repetitive
If you’re analyzing the same situation over and over again, spinning your wheels like a car stuck in the mud that keeps revving its engine to no effect, that’s a sign that it’s time to stop analyzing that particular predicament. Take a break. Divert your attention to something in the present moment, like the rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale. Or the laugh of your child or the joyful bark of your dog. Focus on something you’re grateful for instead.
?? Premature
During a Soul Planner Power Hour Session, one woman was debating whether to charge money for a new resource she wanted to create, or give it away for free. She was very excited and energized visualizing the outline, but then she went into a tailspin thinking about what to charge for the finished product. This worry-based analysis took away her mojo.
As we discussed it afterwards, she realized it was too early to be making a decision about what to charge for this product. She had to create it first! She was doing what I call “premature planning,” when your mind is spending time analyzing a situation when it’s not yet time to make that decision. We often jump the gun and waste mental energy trying to anticipate a future situation when we don’t yet have enough information or certain steps must come first. In those cases, this premature planning is not useful. It’s a form of worry.
?? Pitfall
If you find yourself thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong, and you’ve justified this to yourself as productive because you’re looking out for things to avoid…joke’s on you!? It could be a form of worry in disguise. Yes, it’s helpful to see around the bend and anticipate problems, but focusing on this too much is counter-productive.
Perhaps it’s useful to anticipate a future pitfall one time (although I’d even argue that’s not really helpful or necessary), but when you keep re-visiting it, you haven’t flagged any new concerns. You’re ruminating in a way that’s unproductive. It’s a fine line between anticipating what could go wrong in a way that’s useful, and unnecessary worrying. If you pay attention, you can sense when you’ve crossed that internal line (trust me, it’s more often than you think!).
?? Listing To Do’s
I catch myself all the time ruminating on To Do’s without taking action. Heck, I can’t even look around my house without seeing To Do’s everywhere (“I need to clear the kids' clutter on that table. Ugh, that plant looks sad and needs to be watered. I still haven’t finished writing my blog for tomorrow.'”) When you sit down to meditate and quiet the mind, many people begin thinking about all the things they need to do. It’s like your To Do list is on auto-repeat in your mind and never shuts off.
This tendency to ABP (Always Be Planning) can be a subtle form of anxiety or worry.
To Do thoughts without action = mental clutter.
When you’re driving somewhere, standing in line, or trying to relax but instead keep thinking of all the things you need to do, it isn’t helpful. It’s stressful and exhausting because you can’t take action on those thoughts at the moment. Instead, come back to the present moment by noticing the light and shadows in the room you’re in. Or, do a “brain dump” by listing out all of your To Do’s on a piece of paper to get those thoughts out of your mind and onto the page. And then decide which 1-3 you will do today, take action on those and let the rest go.
Now I’d love to hear from you! In what ways has your planning or analysis served you, and in what ways do you think you’ve spun your wheels unnecessarily? Is your “planning” often a form of worry or anxiety? How can you relax, trust more, and analyze less?
?I’d really love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment and join the conversation.
P.S. Want more productive planning? Don’t forget to get your Downloadable Weekly Planning Guide! Also available in soft cover journal on Amazon HERE.
It’s the best tool I know to help you get organized, stay focused on your top priorities and make sure you carve out time for things that feed your soul each week.
Focus on what matters, follow your heart, and let the rest take care of itself.
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2 年Really helpful tips thank you Vanessa Loder - and yep - I’ve had all of these red flags recently!