Four Preconditions of Rotating Scrum Master

In the article of Five benefits of rotating Scrum Master I mentioned those most important benefits that could be gained the practice, however as pointed out, there must be some prerequisites and it should also be implemented step by step. In this chapter, I will discuss what are those prerequisites.

1.There must be some person experienced in Scrum master role

If the team does not have any knowledge on the Agile/Scrum software development, then it is impossible to rotate the Scrum master role. In my option, the team must meet below requirements:

a. has a few of experienced Scrum master, ideally all those should be certificated Scrum master;

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b. has basic knowledge of what is Agile/Scrum development, understand all the background, benefits and activities;

c. has the real experience of applying the Agile/Scrum development in the actual projects. Team should done with 2 or more Agile projects, so that those certificated Scrum masters gained the actual experience by applying their knowledge.

If those condidtion does not meet, then what I suggest is to identify somebody from the team, get them trained with Certificated Scrum Master, and then initiate Scrum development project.

2.Team must have practiced some kind of rotation

If the team has not practices some rotation of the roles, they may don't know why it is better to rotate the ownership around the team. On the other hand, if they do have some rotation experience, then it would be relatvie easy to start the rotating of the Scrum master.

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Scrum master has many of responsibilities, that makes it a complex role in the team. If the team does not practice any rotation, I would suggest to plan the rotation from a very simple role from a very simple activities, such as a facilitator of a particular meeting, and see what would happen.

3.Support and encouragement from leader/manager must be inplace

Rotating the Scrum master in the team is definitely a kind of change, and it will definitely bring huge impact to the team, change the behavior and mindset of everybody, and then create a completely different culture. So, it is equally important, that this change initiative is well supported by the team leader/manager, which should understand what would be gained, what would be the risks.

It would be very hard to start the change for the team if the team leader/manager does not want to make change or try to avoid any risks. But, it would be much easy to start the change, if the leader has sensed some risks without making change and initiated the change by himself/herself.

4.Establish the culture of continuous learn from failure

Inspect and being adaptive is one of the key principles of Scrum, it encourage the team to look back at what has happened after an important event, identify all potential reasons why a specific goal was not achived, and work out a few of actions as impovement opportunities.

This is very important for any changes to be successfully applied to the team. Because, failures would always occur if we try to do something different, without continuous retrospective, opportunities of learning won't happen, and failures would be the real failures.

With the mindset of keeping look back and extract valueable knowledge/actions from those events, no matter success or failures, the team would layout a very solid fundation to initiate changes.

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If team has all those preconditions ready, I will talk about how to plan the activity in next post.




