The Four Points of an Executive Order
3 Minute Read | by Michael Cadieux

The Four Points of an Executive Order

“Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing key findings from the reviews directed under Executive Order (E.O.) 14017 “America’s Supply Chains,” as well as immediate actions the Administration will take to strengthen American supply chains to promote economic security, national security, and good-paying, union jobs here at home.” – Executive Order (E.O.) 14017

In an earlier post, we referred to the Biden-Harris Administration signing an Executive Order to “ensure that immediate action is taken to strengthen American supply chains to promote economic security, national security, and good-paying union jobs here at home."

A June 8th, 2021, overview of the Order highlights four immediate steps that the Administration took to address supply chain vulnerabilities. This article focuses on what these steps actually mean in the context of addressing said vulnerabilities.

Expanded Manufacturing

At the top of the list was the Administration’s COVID-19 Response Team’s drastic expansion of the “manufacture of vaccines and other essential supplies." The objective of this course of action was to ensure that as many Americans as possible would be fully vaccinated to achieve the coveted herd immunity.

Putting aside any debates on the merits of achieving herd immunity, the real question from a procurement standpoint is this; will such measures enable us to transition from a reactive to a proactive state through better planning. In other words, will supply chain planning and execution become more agile and anticipatory so we will not have to play catch-up in the face of future events, whatever form they take?

Semiconductor Strength?

The Forbes May 4th article "The Global Chip Shortage Is America's Wakeup call" talks about how the recent shortage of microchips is "retarding the ability of economies to come back from the COVID-19 virus."

Given how every aspect of our society is totally dependent on microchips, how did we get to this stage in the first place?

According to the author, in Peloton-like revelation, this (the shortage) is what happens “when America stops making things.”

If, as the article suggests, a continuing course of offshoring our manufacturing to "unreliable and vulnerable" supply chains can have catastrophic consequences, then change is inevitable. But what are the consequences of such a move? What impact will a manufacturing revival in America have on the cost of goods??

Rare Earth

The announcement by the Department of Defense (DOD) that they are investing in the “expansion of the largest, rare earth element mining and processing company outside of China” so that they can “provide the raw materials necessary to help combat the climate crisis,” is interesting.

According to the Clarke and Fourastié three-sector model, is this a step forward or a step back economically speaking? Developed by Allan Fisher, Colin Clark, and Jean Fourastié, a wealthy nation’s economy must progress through three phases. These phases are Primary (raw materials), Secondary (manufacturing), and Tertiary (services). There is a fourth, but that is a discussion for another day.

Using the above model, the point here is this; does the DoD move represent an economic step forward or a step backwards?

Cyber Threat

One of the most pressing issues in the Executive Order is addressing the “critical cyber vulnerabilities to U.S. supply chains and critical infrastructure.”?

With major breaches such as Solar Winds and countless others about which we have not heard, both the country's public and private sector supply chains are vulnerable.

The challenges with dwell times are particularly troubling given that it takes an organization, on average, 6-months to identify that a breach occurred and another 3-months to fix it.

When you consider that more than 50% of all enterprise breaches occur through a third-party partner or vendor, you can see why this is as much a supply chain issue as it is an I.T. issue.


While this is a laudable start in reimagining our supply chains, the road ahead has many twists and turns. The question with these and other issues are not one of starting but of persevering and staying the course. Stay tuned.



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