The Four Pillars of Basketball
The game of Basketball has 4 basic principles, or as I like to call the, "Pillars". I categorised them based on their importance for excellence and success.
a) Pillar no1 is the game of Basketball itself. Its Ethics, rules and regulations, the high level of sportsmanship and comptetivness, the leadership it needs, the History, the Present and the Future of Basketball, they same idea of Athletics invented by Ancient Greeks centuries ago, those are the standards that all people of Basketball are obligated to perform under.
b) Pillar no 2 is the Team. United we stand strong they use to say, and only unity can lead to success. Therefor every action taken in the game of basketball must be taken under the consideration on what is the best for the Team. Whoever thinks not for the team must be removed of his position.
c) Pillar no 3 is the Teammate. Our Teammate is the soldier next to us in the front. He protects our backs and our flanks, we ought to keep him happy and secure. Give the extra pass with "positive energy" and not by obligation or fear of a coach, cover his mistake on defense by putting your body in danger. Do those simple thing and the Game of Basketball will reward you.
d) Pillar no 4 is Ourselves. As an athlete, what is my commitment to myself? Do I eat properly? Do I have enough sleep? Do I spend more time that actually needed on the Court and on the Gym? Is my body in perfect shape for the needs of the Game? As a coach do I study enough? Do I know my athletes and my Team? Can I look my self on the mirror every morning and know that i do the best for the Game of Basketball, for the Team, for my co-workerks(assistants) and my Athletes?
Respect the "Four Pillars" in that order, and Life is going the pay off all of us.