Four Pillar Friday
Greater Life
As an entrepreneur over 50, your time is just beginning… Live the Greater Life
Chickens and Your Possible Impossible
If a chicken can achieve Biological Non-Fusion Transmutation
Now I appreciate before you can believe in the statement above, there’s a fairly pivotal shift that almost certainly needs to occur. Because unless you’re a professional or amateur geo-biologist
It is the act of creating new chemical elements
But then…
The chicken crossed the road…and laid an egg…and kept laying eggs day after day, despite consuming nowhere near enough dust dirt and grit to provide the requisite daily amount of calcium.
So…Biological Non-Fusion Transmutation became a thing. We know also that trees do it. And the fact that Breatharians (yep, people who neither drink nor eat anything, but live to a ripe old age) have been documented, it is fair to assume that we do it too.
So…as we head into Friday, with our traditional invitation for you to grab your journalling stuff and dive into one of the content offerings below…we leave you with this question to take into your journaling:
What might be possible if you knew you were not bound by the laws of physics, if you knew you could create at will, through will alone?
One thing, of course, is certain…you’ll never look at a chicken or an egg in the same way again…but we hope that in diving into one of the pieces of content below and journalling on it to harvest one game-changing insight you can apply this week…that you may just come to see your own life as being as miraculous as the chicken’s calcium wrapped oval of albumen.
Have a great weekend…and let’s dive into Four Pillar Friday.
George and Mike ??
On Monday, we gave you a short newsletter with an invitation to check out a short documentary all about Grounding and the act of getting your skin in contact with the earth
Take a read, watch the documentary and maybe take yourself outside and get in touch with the earth while you're at it.
The story of man versus wave, George's last ride of the day and the clarity that comes from the sweet spot
When the layer of reality you exist in changes.
When everything we thought we knew about ourselves…our homes…our relationships is upended.
What then?
On Thursday we tried something new.
Newsletter as video or to be more precise as YouTube Short and Instagram and Facebook Reel.
This brand new format for our daily newsletter saw Greater Life co-founder George walking his talk by letting go of the excuses of “it’s not the right time” and starting to do the thing he must to advance the cause of Greater Life.
Watch HERE??? ?? ??
The Podcast
Every day, Monday to Friday, you can listen in to George on the daily "CoffeeCast".
At weekends there's a longer "Greater Life Story" to catch up on too
If you're over 50 and have an interesting or inspiring story to share get in touch.
We're booking guests for future episodes right now and would love to hear from you.
The Weekly News RoundUp
Every Friday our pick of the week's news for entrepreneurs over 50 from across the internet and beyond...
Grandternity leave
The new way to keep older workers from quitting is taking off in the USA but is it a viable option in the UK?
Whether two days or two weeks, mid and late-career employees say they appreciate time off tailored to their age and stage of life.
As a small business owner could you structure your business life to work around spending time with your grandchildren?
Skin cancer is spiking in the over-55s — here’s how to spot it
The generation that relied on coconut butter and calamine lotion as primary skin care when it came to spending time in the sun is having to wake up to a surge in skin cancers amongst the over 55s.
Read this article by Dr Mark Porter and then ask your nearest and dearest to take a close look at you, all over.
The male friendship issue.
Making friends as an older man is tough. We're the ones who typically get left behind after divorce and women seem to have much better support networks in mid-life.
Take a read for some great tips from Joel Snape and if you're passing through Cornwall give me a shout!
The Big 100
This is an older article, but one that's been topical this week at Greater Life HQ as we've discussed longevity and what gets you there.
100 tips from 100 people who have already made it and share their secret to a long and happy life.
Are you in your Prime?
At what point do you enter the prime years of your life?
More to the point, when are you past your prime?
How would you know?
Enuma Okoro investigates
Ferris Bueller was on to something
I've been a fan of Ferris Bueller's Day Off for as long as I can remember but I've never just taken off for the day in that carefree teenage manner.
Until recently
The past couple of months I've taken a weekday off to go and have fun every other week and do you know what?
It's awesome.
No crowds, no kids, all the time in the world to just enjoy yourself and the knock-on effect is that it's upping my productivity no end.
And here's an article from Winy Bernard Bertin explaining just why it's an essential part of the successful entrepreneur's toolkit.
And finally
The best anti-aging story we've heard.
South Koreans have instantly become a year or two younger.
It follows new laws requiring the use of the internationally recognised way of counting age that took effect this week
It replaces one of the country's two traditional methods, where people are deemed to be a year old at birth - taking into account time spent in the womb.
The "Korean age" system also sees people ageing up by a year on 1 January every year, instead of on their actual birth date.
Crazy huh.
Sharing is Caring
If you know an entrepreneur, business owner or professional over 50 who isn't reading Four Pillar Friday please tag them in a comment and better still give this post a share.
Each month we'll pick one lucky supporter to receive a special Greater Life Treat.
Thank you
Have a Greater weekend