Four Pillar Friday 14 April 2023
Greater Life
As an entrepreneur over 50, your time is just beginning… Live the Greater Life
Welcome to Four Pillar Friday, our weekly wrap-up of all the week's goodness from the Greater Life newsletter.
You’ll find links to all four day’s newsletters below and we definitely invite you to check out today's CoffeeCast featuring some hilarious insights from our co-founder, George, on what you might learn when you get mistaken for being a pole dancing teacher.
The Daily CoffeeCast is our mini-podcast series, designed to be a perfect shot of daily insight and inspiration to help you as you make your morning coffee or wait for the kettle to boil.
It sets you up for a greater day, a greater week and a greater life.
So what did we explore this week and what might you want to check out?
On Monday we looked at the health benefits of chocolate and discovered that a little bit of what you fancy might actually do you good.
On Tuesday we discovered the far-reaching benefits of hobbies for your health, happiness, home and business life.
Wednesday was about self-care with a fascinating insight into overcoming self-abandonment.
Thursday’s Hustle session invited you to steal the framework to the Greater Life Clarity & Traction System to help you create a magnetic digital presence that connects and converts everywhere on and offline.
So take a look through the archives and please also click through to our pilot study survey which aims to understand the “mood of the nation” and uncover critical success factors for later-life entrepreneurship.
By participating in the survey, you will help shape the future of entrepreneurship over 50 and contribute to a better, more equitable society for all.
That’s it from me for Friday, I’m off to clear the decks in the kitchen for the decorators to start work and prepare for my #four daughter’s return from Mexico complete with her partner and a 9-month-old puppy they adopted while living out there the past year.
Have a great day!
Mike and George