Four Pieces of the Sale
Make people laugh. Everyone is funny, but some just lack a sense of humor. Generally, its because they are just bogged down by their own life decisions. It has nothing to do with you personally, they are just using something called countertransference (to put feelings on to you, that they actually feel somewhere else).
This is why making people laugh is the first thing I said, in order to help them to open up to you. By breaking down that barrier you become more approachable. This is when you are honest about yourself and your product on both strengths and weaknesses. We like to say what's your 60-second story: (Who you are, Why you're selling this specific product, What is the product you are selling (your purpose to it)). This is a good thing to write down and practice as you become a more established sales professional.
Find a Need
Why will someone need your product? If you're selling a car, you are not selling the $20,000 metal frame with a tint of whatever colour. You are selling the miles the car will drive. You are selling the possibilities and benefits of having a car. The opportunity it represents. It doesn't matter what product you represent, what is the opportunity on the other end that your customer is looking for.
"You can't sell John Brown what John Brown buys if you don't try to see through John Browns eyes"
In the part of making a friend, you explained why you use your product. Now, it is time for you to help your new friend with why they want to use the product. LISTENING! Ask Questions, SHUT UP! You will now begin to lead the sale. Now you practice your smile and nod and find out how you can help this person become a customer of your product or service.
Transfer the Feeling
You have to lead your sale through the first two steps, 1. Make a Friend 2. Find a Need. Only then is it possible for you to take the information you have acquired about your new friend and explain in as few words as possible, how this product is going to revolutionize their life! You don't need to oversell a good quality product, but in my opinion, every product you personally sell should be the best thing you ever bought in your life. The reason being is because you are a customer of this product. There are tons of things sold in this world secondly, and in some point and time, someone leads a person to there purchase. Advertising is a human creation to gather attention. Imagine how you have felt just driving past a billboard. You need to have that same impact through your enthusiasm and belief in what your product can do for your new friend.
Close the Deal
If you don't ask, you will fall into people saying "I'll take it" very rarely. What you need to do as a salesman is be intentional. First and foremost you got to eat. Use discretion, if your prospect won't eat because they buy your product, you are not a good salesman, let alone question your morality. Sales are not about taking advantage of people. Sales are about the vision of someone's life with your product is better with it, than without it. Make them say Yes three times, lead them to the payment method, never be scared to do the actual work yourself, it beats digging holes. This is the true test of a professional salesman. Their ability to get the job done.
Than Follow Through like a MOTHER! Make sure that person knows you got their back! They are your friend after all.
Be Fun. Be Safe. Be Fearless.