Four Methods of Road Soft Ground Treatment
Early treatment of road soft ground is essential to allow sufficient time for settlement stabilization before soil filling construction begins. Here are four common methods for treating soft ground:
1.Surface Drainage Method: This method is suitable for extremely weak surface ground. It involves setting up drainage ditches, laying drainage pipes, or permeable materials to quickly remove water from the soft ground, thereby reducing water content and improving bearing capacity.
2. Sand Cushion Method: This method involves laying a sand cushion layer on the soft ground surface to enhance the ground's strength and stability, thus improving its bearing capacity. The sand cushion should be evenly laid and compacted.
3. Material Laying Method: This method improves the shear resistance and overall stability of the ground by laying reinforcement materials such as geotextiles and geogrids on the soft ground surface. It helps prevent local deformation of the ground.
4. Additive Method: This method involves adding specific chemical or physical additives such as cement or lime to the soft ground to alter its properties and increase its strength and stability. The additives need to be thoroughly mixed with the soil and allowed to sit for a period to take effect.
These four methods can be flexibly applied based on the actual conditions to ensure optimal soft ground treatment results.