Four lessons I’ve learned From Life Transitions

Four lessons I’ve learned From Life Transitions

"The only thing that is constant is change."― Heraclitus (Greek philosopher). This is a concept that most of us have learned through life transitions, yet it is still difficult for many of us to embrace it fully. A few years ago, I traveled and saw this caption on a train "bear hug change" -it stayed with me ever since. It is interesting when you start considering some things differently and embracing life the way it shows up. Since then, bear-hugging change and making change my best friend became one of my life principles. Our lives are made of transformations and transitions. Think about it - as you journey through life, you start as a child, teen, transition to an adult, and elderly. We also navigate life through meaningful events like marriage, children's births, job changes, divorces, sicknesses, etc.

While many believe that life happens to us, I firmly believe that life happened for us instead. I love the way author Byron Katie puts it: "Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late." – this is why we have to trust in life transitions as a conduit to our next growth opportunity.

Through life transitions and life quakes, I have learned four key lessons so far – I trust that they will resonate with you and become a part of your journey portmanteau as well. 

1. Life events are neutral – you decide their significances

All events are neutral, was a life-changing concept I learned a few years ago. You see, we decide which meaning we want to associate with each event as it is occurring. We determine what we want to experience by choosing to interpret it and the classification we give it. Why we remembered some events and completely forgot about some of them? It goes back to the meaning you've originally associated with the event.   Next time, when an event occurred, instead of immediately saying, " This is a disaster or why me?" Stop – breath and acknowledging it - then quickly decide how you want to experience it and leave its manifestation to the journey. Throughout, you can decide that you will be resilient or decide to play the victim. You can decide to make it a positive event or an adverse event – YOU have the choice, no matter how catastrophic the event starts. You have the power – decide wisely.

2. Learn to reframe your thoughts – you are the captain of your mind

Reframing – like the word suggest it, and you have the power to change the frame of every thought that comes into your mind. Reframing goes beyond classifying a thought - It is an arduous process that becomes a learned habit that could change your life for the better: how do I want to feel at the end of this? This simple question starts the reprogramming process of your thoughts and establishes an agreement between you, your mind, and your whole being. You see, our minds are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts, visions of horrible things that may never happen to us, and terrifying reasons not to do the things we want to do. We have to take those negative thoughts captive as soon as they show up in our mind, don't allow your mind to flirt with them – as soon as they show up, immediately replace them with what you want to see instead. You are the captain of your mind – so act like it. You have the power to reframe any thought you ever have into something more positive. It will be exhausting to reframe every thought, yet it is crucial to get into the habit of reframing the more important ones, especially the bad thoughts. "Fortune Favors the bold everything starts with your thoughts" - Dare to reframe your thoughts! Excellent examples below for you to start. 

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3. Always Bet on yourself because you are worth fighting for 

No matter the situation you are in or traversing, you have to remember that confidence is the key to success in life and business and it starts by YOU betting on YOU first. 

Think about it – you know who you are. You know your strengths, and you have a good idea of your area of opportunities – so who else can bet on you than you? You have to believe that you are worth fighting for and the first warrior to go to war for you is YOU. You are unique; nobody else on earth has your DNA, how amazing is that? You have been wonderfully created. You have everything you need to do what you have been created to do. When what-ifs start coming into your mind, replace them with what possibilities could become a reality for you. All people you admire so much today at work and in life – they took a chance and bet on themselves at some point in their lives; they have achieved amazing things in the mix of all odds. Why not you?

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4. Finally – Adopt this philosophy: "Sometimes courage is not an option, it is the only choice" – by Edwige Robinson

Growth and comfort don't coexist, yet many of us want to grow while remaining in the same place without challenges – the byproduct of staying in comfort for too long is stagnation. 

Growth requires courage - but what is courage? It is said that the brave and cowardly person are both fearful. However, it is the brave one who faces his fear and does what needs to be done. We will be faced with many things that scare us throughout our lives. If courage isn't the absence of fear, yet the ability to feel fear and still move forward. How do you develop it? 

Like a muscle, courage has to be developed through training. You can't expect to exercise your boldness, and then somehow be able to call upon it in a crisis!

I learned early on in my life that no matter the encouragement and motivation from others, the door handle of courage only opens from inside. In the end, only you can open the door and see what life has to offer. Only YOU can take the step of faith without a roadmap and still trust that life will meet you where your strength stops. Only you can engage into unchartered waters; only you can take the path with no trail to create the trail for others. Yes, it is helpful to have role models, yet sometimes you need to have the courage to be the first role model. 

If you are a believer like me or if you believe in something greater than you, I trust that you, too, believe that there is a force higher than yourself holding your hand as you step out – so for believers like me it also takes faith to take the leap. You won't need to have a preview to step out; you just step out and experience life fully. 

This is why it is vital to hold the following close to your heart: sometimes, courage is not an option; it's the only choice you have. This philosophy will help you stop overthinking and help you decide to go forward when needed. 

Think about the wood ducklings who are nicely nested typically in wooded areas near ponds or marshes. Just one day after hatching (occasionally up to 4 days), wood ducklings must take a leap of faith: one by one, the ducklings jump from their nest, which can be over 65 feet above the ground. They make their way to water as their mother calls them. Imagine what they are feeling!!

Yes, it's a scary feeling that can also be an incredible feeling of great expectancy and trust me the wood duck is doing it scared. So, when you are about to take your leap, remember to enjoy the butterflies fully, this combination of anticipation and anxiety that makes your heart full of excitement and belly turning at the same time and yet like a wood duck, you have to jump. Why? Because everything the wood duck will be is on the other side of the jump. Courage is your bridge to greatness - Go for it, my friend, and believe that the whole world is cheering you 

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Bringing all together

Life transitions force us to let go of the familiar and face the future with a feeling of vulnerability and great expectancy. To successfully move through them, it requires that we pause and remember all the events that happened in our life happen for us. Frame them in a way that makes us see the cup half full and not half empty. Do not be afraid to use those conclusions to bet on ourselves. Finally, we need to remember that sometimes Courage is not an option, it's our only choice - that's the way we GROW Exponentially. 

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Thanks for reading - let's stay connected and continue to learn from each other.

About the Author: 

  • Edwige A. Robinson has over 26 years of experience in the technology & leadership realms. She is an expert technologist who help organizations meet their challenging business goals. She is a champion and advocate for women in leadership. She believes that leading as an authentic role model is part of her calling, especially as a female leader in the technology industry. A mentor for young women in Technology, she was recently recognized by Aleria Tech as one of the “Awesome Black Women Everyone Should Know” in 2020. She also sits on several Advisory Boards driving STEM education to underserved communities.  Edwige is known to share her experience authentically. Her audience and team feel empowered to take action and make an impact. Focus areas: Faith & family | Women in Tech Champion | Innovation & Digital Transformation Connoisseur | Change Catalyst | STEM & Robotics advocacy | Keynote Presenter & Storyteller. 

Three words to describe her: Perseverance, Authentic, and Forward-Thinker

You can connect with her on LinkedIn and on Twitter @EdwigeRobinson

Some reference from:

Patrick Cichowski

Manager | Network Automation | AIOps | Professional Service

3 个月


Raquel Eatmon

Restauranteur (Osteria Italian). CEO of Rising Media LLC. Author. Founder of the Woman of Power Conference (WoPC). Former television news anchor/ journalist.

4 年

What a reflective article Edwige A. Robinson?? Senior Vice President - Central Region T-MOBILE?? Thank you for sharing your experience. I've signed many copies of my books to women, reminding them to Always Bet On Yourself! There is pure gold in that action! One of the best things I've learned to do. #power

Latrisha Howard, MBA

Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

4 年

Awesome article! You are an inspiration to us all!


