Four Leadership Principles Driving Culture

Four Leadership Principles Driving Culture

Over the years operating in a series of key HR Leadership roles, I have heard many a Company CEOs ask, ‘what are the key areas of focus for leaders to be targeting, to drive a positive Company Culture?’ Surveys, employee climate reviews and unsolicited feedback can give a ‘moment in time’ and theme, though for a leader with a multitude of conflicting priorities, to invest in the right areas is not always that easy.’

So, what are the indicators of a ‘Good’ culture? Within the various organisations I have worked for, I have gathered key themes and evidence which have emerged consistently within ‘Good Company Cultures’. They are:

Leaders set the stage.

Those at the top or on the ‘main stage’ as I like to say, are being viewed, observed and modeled both close and from a distance by employees.??It is not just knowing the Company Values or even displaying them throughout the offices, the Values have to be innate within leaders, they need to live the Values every minute of every day; employees will clearly identify those leaders who do not live the Values and will become disengaged.?If leaders are living the Values (every minute) this will cascade quickly and managers and employees are more inclined to follow that behaviour.?Look at your Company Values; imagine if every single person in the Company lived them to the letter – Would that make a great place to work!

Stick to the plan.

Despite what the most relaxed, informal employees may state, they still want to see a plan and want leadership in a Company to stick with the plan and provide good sound reason why deviation may be necessary.?Most importantly the plan needs to be understood easily, how can employees be expected to keep engaged if they are not clear on the business direction, or the complexity of what the business wants to achieve takes too long to absorb or understand??Every employee should be able to clearly and quickly articulate ‘The Plan.’

Never stop communicating.

How can you make sure you touch every employee with Company communications??The reality is you cannot, however never stop trying.?Sending copious newsletters and emails is not enough; in a world where everyone can obtain news on their mobile as it’s happening is normal, taking days and weeks to communicate information, simply is too late and losses relevance and opportunities to connect with employees.?Leverage technology to the highest degree, the bigger the employee base the higher technological reach needed.?Never stop trying to surface ideas and methods to get ‘the messages’ out to every single employee, as real time as possible.

Invest in people.

Simply if a Company wants to grow or continue growing, the employees within that Company need to grow, technically and professionally.?In the current environment, if a business does not invest in their people, another Company will.?Always remember the cost to invest in a Company’s high caliber employee over 12 months is usually far less than if a Company has to recruit a high caliber replacement.?In any environment where a business wants the competitive edge, they will invest to ensure they obtain and drive that competitiveness through their employees.?Remember whatever a Company sells, manufactures, delivers, conveys, consults or services to a customer or client – It is the Company's people which will make it happen.

There are many other indicators than just the four outlined and everyone will have their own view on whether the above is in the same priority, however these are four areas that if a Company gets right and I see many businesses which do, will set a Company on the pathway of ‘Good Company Culture’.

You make ask, so what is a ‘Bad Company Culture’??

If you do not know, then take a quick look around, if the four outlined indicators are not prevalent in your Company at the very least, then it may be time for you to evaluate and determine is this the right Company for you??For some employees, managers and business leaders whether the Company Culture is Good or Bad is really not a priority for them, however Good Company Culture can have a great influence on retention, attrition, best market talent, productivity, revenue, profitability, engagement, compliance and customers.

Worth considering!

About Mark Lindley:

An accomplished C-suite Human Resources Leader with extensive local, regional and international experience; progressive and innovative, a true developer of People & Culture. Having led large scale organisational transformations and HR blueprint implementation across the Middle East, Asia Pacific and North America; successfully delivering results within high impact environments.

Bringing demonstrated strategic and operational skills, combined with a strong capability to cultivate, manage and lead local and geographically dispersed teams. Setting clear vision and at the same time having a very hands-on ‘role up the sleeves’ approach. Operating within complex matrix and diverse cultural structures across top tier multi-nationals, established homegrown, through to new market starts.

Has a highly commercial focus on sustainable growth of an organisation and their people; a proven leader, trusted advisor, respected coach, mentor and HR entrepreneur.

Brendan Noonan

C-Suite experienced: Strategy, Leadership, Customer Experience. Consultant and Presenter at Strategic Leadership Consultancy. Interesting fact: Global Traveler with over 3 million flight miles (=121 times around globe)

1 年

Great article Mark. An excellent blueprint for culture development and implementation.


