Ab't the often not enough emphasized 4 key features of Genocide…—...AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENOCIDE [PERPETRATED] AGAINST THE TUTSI IN RWANDA

Ab't the often not enough emphasized 4 key features of Genocide…—...AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENOCIDE [PERPETRATED] AGAINST THE TUTSI IN RWANDA

?????????? ?????? ???????? [????] ?????? ?????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????? ????????????, ????????????… — ??????????????????????, ????????????????, ?????????????????????? ???? ‘????????????????????’, ?????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????, ?????? ?????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????????????? [??????????????????????] ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ????????????

Recalled in the present post’s title above, the four [04] key characteristics of Genocide that are oftentimes not emphasized enough — namely ??????????????????????, ????????????????, ?????????????????????? ???? ‘????????????????????’, ?????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? — were spelled out in the title of the LinkedIn post previously published at <https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/erasmerwanamiza_genocide-finalsolution-genocideisneveraonedayevent-activity-7143584229065461760-sxOp>, and they all apply to the Genocide [perpetrated] against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

More especially starting with the fourth [4th] key characteristic of Genocide — namely Genocide’s ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? — it perfectly applies to the Genocide [perpetrated] against the Tutsi in Rwanda as one can see it transpiring from the following ?????? [????] ???????????????? excerpted from one of my previous posts privately published but only for friends on Facebook:

??????? ?????????????? ????.??: ??Particularly worth noting […] is the fact that all the genocidal crimes committed and/or incited by Hutu Elites of PARMEHUTU and MRND[D] between November 1959 and March 1994 respectively went unpunished, which encouraged the Hutu Power perpetrators to go ahead in their criminality hence leading them to the planning and implementation from April to July 1994 when RPF stopped them of the Genocide against the Tutsi as a ‘final solution’ to what they had been perceiving as the Tutsi problem, disastrously erroneously of course because, as Robert Watts Jr. titled his 1998 book, “???????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????????” (<https://www.amazon.com/People-Are-Never-Problem-Understanding-ebook/dp/B0085XHYP8>) ??????, ???? ?????? ???????? ??????????????????, ?????????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????????? “???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???? ????????????” (Eugene H. Peterson <https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/eugene_h_peterson_528431>; also now: University of Missouri Kansas City, 2023 <https://info.umkc.edu/centers/people-are-not-problems-to-be-solved/>) [emphasis added now]. This erroneously perceived Tutsi problem extremist Hutu leaders had attempted to solve [it] several times since 1959 by killing "en masse" Tutsi from inside Rwanda […].??

?????????????? ????.??: ??From one Rwanda Broadcasting Agency [RBA] radio program called ‘Isi Ya None’ broadcasted during the commemoration week of Kwibuka24 exactly on Sunday April 8, 2018, in which were particularly involved Prof Deo Byanafashe and Antoine Mugesera, the author of this article/post recalls, just out of memory, that at the end of the program, Mugesera explained that, ???????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????????????????, ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? [emphasis added here] as a ‘last resort weapon’ that would be used at a time when the circumstances would so require, and those ‘final solution’ planners would then at every critical time —— namely those different times staging from 1959 up to 1994 as were evoked by Rutinduka (2002 <https://docplayer.fr/20888593-Histoire-du-genocide-des-tutsi-au-rwanda-1959-1994-rutinduka-laurent-msscc-rome-juillet-2002.html> pp.3-10) and corroborated later on by Aegis Trust (2015 <https://www.genocidearchiverwanda.org.rw/index.php/Nyamata_Memorial>), CNLG’s Gasanabo (2017 <https://slideplayer.com/slide/12215950/>), and CNLG’s Bizimana (2018 <https://cnlg.gov.rw/fileadmin/templates/documents/Presentation_II.PDF>) —— pull out that ‘weapon’ from its cupboard’s drawer holder and check whether it was still effective for its purported task, which they would actually do by testing it out on several Tutsi victims who would, of course, be killed ‘en masse’ at all those evoked different periods precursors to the 1994 Hutu Power ‘final solution’ of their erroneously perceived Tutsi problem explained in the previous paragraph above.??

Regarding the above-emphasized phrase “???????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????????????????, ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ????????”, it actually corresponds to the first three [03] key characteristics of Genocide — namely ??????????????????????, ????????????????, ?????? ?????????????????????? ???? ‘????????????????????’ — and is a direct emanation of the following ?????? [????] ???????????????? also drawn from the same one of my many posts that was evoked above as having been previously published but privately only for friends on Facebook:

??????? ?????????????? ????.??: [?????????????????????? ?????? ????????????????] << The statement hinting at a genocide to be perpetrated against the Tutsi at some point in time was initially made by Belgian Special Resident Colonel Guy Logiest as per the following passage excerpted from Lanotte (2007 <https://www.google.com/books/edition/La_France_au_Rwanda_1990_1994/kC_ZegitJBUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22Parmehutu,+%C3%A9puration+ethnique%22&pg=PA58&printsec=frontcover> p.58, precisely at the very end of the passage herein written in capital letters in order to have the said INITIAL GENOCIDE-PRONE STATEMENT particularly highlighted):

??????? ? Comme ont permis de le mettre en évidence les recherches menées par l’historien Léon Saur dans les archives du ministère belge des Affaires étrangères, “les autorités belges étaient parfaitement informées des inclinaisons raciales et dictatoriales du Parmehutu, épuration ethnique comprise.”50[Footnote]

??????? 50[Footnote]: L. SAUR, entretien, op. cit. Dans le rapport périodique du dernier trimestre de l’année 1959, un fonctionnaire de la S?reté note: “L’homme fort de la révolution de novembre est incontestablement Grégoire Kayibanda, président du Mouvement social hutu. […] N’admettant aucune compromission avec les Tutsi, Grégoire Kayibanda est partisan de la création de zones réservées à chacune des deux races ruandaises [sic]. […] Comme dans toute révolution, le mouvement d’émancipation des Bahutu a engendré des excès. Les Bahutu risquent de substituer leur racisme à celui des Batutsi.” [Rapport périodique 4e trimestre 1959 (in ArchMAE/AF, MF/RU no.8)]

??????? Par ailleurs, dans un rapport de tournée daté du 9 décembre 1960, un agent de la S?reté, seulement identifiable par son numéro, informe ainsi son supérieur: “Un membre du Parmehutu m’a déclaré qu’en cas d’attaque des Tutsi de l’extérieur, les Hutu tueraient pour commencer tous les Tutsi qui résident dans le pays.” [Rapport de tournée des 7 & 8 décembre 1960, adressé à Monsieur le Résident du Ruanda (sic) à Kigali, 9 décembre 1960]

??????? Comme le rapporte Léon Saur, dépité par l’absence de réaction de la part de sa hiérarchie, l’agent a “lui-même annoté d’une main rageuse” son rapport: “Le résident spécial est mis au courant de ce genre de choses. Qu’en fait-il? Qu’en fera-t-il? Avons-nous le droit de savoir. Ou bien tout cela dispara?t-il dans le gouffre de son inaltérable confiance?” [Ibid.]

??????? Léon Saur précise enfin que Guy Logiest était lui aussi parfaitement conscient du danger comme en témoignent les minutes d’une conversation que ce dernier a avec le commissaire Godard de la S?reté le 27 octobre 1960:

→ Godard: “Il faut tenir compte du fait qu’une intervention extérieure pourrait aider le déclenchement d’une action intérieure, en ce sens que des terroristes formés à l’extérieur pourraient s’introduire dans le pays pour y semer le trouble et susciter des mouvements séditieux chez certains groupes de la population à un moment donné”.

→LOGIEST: “SI UN MOUVEMENT SEMBLABLE DEVAIT PRENDRE NAISSANCE DANS LES MILIEUX TUTSI, CE SERAIT LE SIGNE DE LEUR MASSACRE PAR LES HUTU. JE PENSE QUE LES TUTSI S’EN RENDENT PARFAITEMENT COMPTE DANS L’ENSEMBLE” [‘Compte-rendu de la réunion tenue LE 27 OCTOBRE (1960) à Kigali’, p.18 (Coll. ‘Lemarchand’) ; cité in F. REYNTJENS, ‘Pouvoir et droit au Rwanda, op. cit., p.468. Documents et informations fournies par L. SAUR, entretien, op.cit.] ?. >>

??????? ?????????????? ????.??: [?????????????????????? ?????? ????????????????] << ???Hutu President Grégoire Kayibanda repeated the same statement [i.e. the above-mentioned one previously uttered by Logiest] later on in March 1964 as is reported by Ministère de l’Administration Locale, du Développement Communautaire et des Affaires Sociales [MINALOC] (2004 <https://cnlg.gov.rw/fileadmin/templates/Publications/denombrement_des_victimes_du_genocide_perpetre_contre_les_tutsi_avril_2004.pdf> p.15, translation from French to English by the author of the present article/post, with […] indicating where footnotes are provided in the original French text), about a census that was published by CNLG:

??????? ? In March 1964, President Kayibanda will repeat it: “Assuming that by an unlikely chance you managed to take Kigali by storm, how do you measure the chaos of which you would be the first victims? I do not insist: You guessed it, otherwise you would not act as minions and desperate! You say it between you: “It would be the total and hasty end of the Tutsi race. Who is genocide?” ? — The full text of the said speech uttered by President Kayibanda in March 1964 can be found in extenso and in its original French language at <https://docs.igihe.com/IMG/pdf/kayibanda11mars1964.pdf>.

??????? [?????????????????????? ?????? ????????????????] ???Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana repeated the same statement too […] further later on in 1976 as is also reported by Ministère de l’Administration Locale, du Développement Communautaire et des Affaires Sociales [MINALOC] (2004 <https://cnlg.gov.rw/fileadmin/templates/Publications/denombrement_des_victimes_du_genocide_perpetre_contre_les_tutsi_avril_2004.pdf> p.15, translation from French to English by the author of the present article/post, with […] indicating where footnotes are provided in the original French text), about a census that was published by CNLG:

??????? ? In 1976, President Habyarimana will say the same thing: “On the Hutu-Tutsi issue, it also exists in the other prefectures. Following the history of Rwanda, we observe that the Tutsi say they descended (from the sky) [...] [sic], these Tutsi who provoke the Hutu forget that if the time of the massacres rings again, they are the ones who will pay the cost. Obviously the Hutu are the majority, the power is theirs.” […]

??????? It is important to know that in 1976, not a Tutsi had dared to defy the Habyarimana regime. Opponents of his regime were rather politicians from Gitarama whose he had just massacred the most prominent. Another important element to note is that Habyarimana was aware of the cyclical nature of Tutsi killings. He brags about it to frighten them.

??????? Sometimes the power in place wishes such a return to snatch an opportunity to massacre Tutsi. Such a situation was observed in 1963 during the Inyenzi [i.e. exiled former Tutsi Elites] attack. [...].

It is in this ideological atmosphere that the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) launched an offensive against the power of Kigali on October 1, 1990. […].

??????? [?????????????????????? ???? ‘????????????????????’] After the death of President Habyarimana on April 6, 1994, an interim government was formed on April 8, 1994. This government led by President Sindikubwabo Theodore only preached the massacre of Tutsi. Indeed, on April 19, 1994, President Sindikubwabo delivered a memorable speech calling for violence in veiled but understandable terms. So in closing his speech he said: “Dear brothers, I would like to end my speech here. But I repeat: I want you to understand our message well: that you understand the meaning of each word used, and for what it was used. Know that we are going through difficult times. Stop joking, dreaming, walking around, being duped, now it’s time to work. After the victory, when calm has returned, you will resume your jokes. But now, this is not the time to joke. May God be with you!” [...].

??????? This unleashing of the massacres resulting from the ethnicization of power culminated in the 1994 genocide [...]. ? >>

#Genocide #GenocideAgainstTheTutsi #FinalSolution #GenocideIsNeverAoneDayEvent #GenocideIsNeverAsuddenOutbreak #GenocideIsPrepared #GenocideIsPlanned #GenocideIsInstigated #GenocideDevelopsOverAlongerPeriodOfTime

#Knowledge #CriticalThinking #UNDERSTANDING #EducationQuality #QualityEducation #Peacemaking #Peacebuilding #PeaceEducation #CultureOfPeace #SustainablePeace #RwandaWeWant #ForTheGreaterGoodOfHumanity


