The Four Horses

The Four Horses

The Four Horses

"And behold, I saw  a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given to him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer" Revelation:6:2

The Apostle St. John , while under house arrest on the Island of Patmos  for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ , is given   one of the most  well known visions of  the Book of Revelation; the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. Even non Christians have heard of or "mis-heard" of them.

There have been debates,conjuncture and speculations  through out the centuries as to what or who these four riders and their respective horses represent.

It seems clear from the tone of St. John's writing that the four horses  represent a genuine ,and real world problem(s) and conditions for humanity;problem(s) which humanity are  unable to adequately  cope with on their own.

Jesus Opens 

St. John, in vision,  has been given a glimpse of the very throne of the great God, the Apostle  sees in the hand of God a scroll or a book which is sealed up with seven seals that none can yet look into it and read. St.John is grieved that there seems to be none worthy to open the seals of the book that it might be read and understood but he is comforted by an angel , with the assurance that Jesus is the One who is worthy and able to break the seals.

"I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the book or to look into it. Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it; and one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals."      "And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth. And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. When He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb"Revelation:5:1-8a


In each case, these horses are introduced with the word "come"  , it is implying that their presence and coming forth to ride through human history ,is and, are being divinely allowed for God's purpose which is being worked out in human history.

The first to ride is the White Horse, then Red, Black and a Pale sickly green.

The order that they emerge is very important and teach us much about what each is and why they are.It is generally understood that the interpretation for the four horses is found within Jesus' Olivet Prophecy or Olivet Discourse in the Gospel accounts .

 Olivet Prophecy

In Matthew:24, Mark:13  and Luke :21. In this prophecy Jesus gave his disciples the  over arching conditions and escalating trends  found in human civilization   from that time and  until "end of the world",  these conditions would intensify and worsen until "the end"  when conditions will be to the extent that it is needful for God himself to intervene in human history and save humanity from himself by sending Jesus Christ to extend the Kingdom of God over all things.

Many scholars, but not all , lean to the understanding the horses of Revelation as the White representing False Messiahs, the Red War, the Black Famine, Peal Sickness.

This  thought is derive, Jesus' words of the Olivet discourse delivers in the highly symbolic style called Apocalyptic language. This discourse by Jesus   outlines the problems which humanity has, and will face from 33 AD until the time of Jesus coming in the years ahead of us.

In the Roman world in which the Apostle St. John wrote, he would have seen this white horse as representing the person(s) of the Roman Emperor(s) and his "personalty cult" and worship of the Empire in the person of the Emperor. 

The order of their appearance is significant: False  Messiahs , which can be anything,or anyone , politicians, philosophies, ideologies will inventively lead humanity into conflicts and to War. As the progression moves forward Wars' always cause famine and economically hardship,  which lead to epidemics  , sickness and mass death.

Where the word of God is spoken as a sword which proceeds forth from the mouth of our Lord, "Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations." Revelation:19:15 .

This White horse however  has his own quiver of grandiose promises that cater to the flesh, that is our human carnally and a message that which speaks of them into the human heart which at first glance looks good but in the end like arrows runs them through whoever embraces them.

 Throughout History

This pattern is repeated through out human history. When or wherever a False Messiah rides forth into history promising to bring what only Jesus can bring , they will lead their followers to War with others who do not share their devotion to their Messiah,  this will bring the famine and economic stress then sickness and death.

This has repeated over and over in human history. False  Messiahs have come in the form or philosophies, political dogmas, personalities, religion  and each time they strive for control over the human heart and soul and  make grand promises of glory but bringing in the end suffering and death.

Horses  in Our Lives

But I would like to ask your indulgence, for a moment, to ask that we look not outward at the stage of human events alone but into our own lives.

Let us each and all as ourselves; "Do these horses ride across the landscape of our lives?"   Many interpret the White Horse  as a great false Messiah or false prophet which emerges on the world stage  in the years to come,  but , what about us?,  is there "something" in each of our lives that promises to deliver and  bring what only Jesus can bring?  promising peace,  fulfillment life and a life  meaning? Is there a White Horse that rides in our own personal  lives ?

This "something", this White Horse in our lives can be just about anything, a person,  gold or silver, position, fame, lands and titles,  bricks and mortar, accomplishments , something to stimulate us,  an experiences or even  a relationship.

 If there is "something" that beckons to us and offers to give what only Jesus can, if this White Horse is riding in our lives then it will dictate how we live and spend our personal resources.

If  the White Horse of a false  messiah has ridden forth in our lives, it will lead to unleashing the Red Horse of conflict, war,  with others,  as others do not embrace or share our devotion to our own "messiah",  that is,   what we believe is giving us what only Jesus truly can.

Red Horse of War

As the Red Horse of war rides forth in our lives causing strife and  in conflict with those around us;  and it is when we pursue the White Horse that the Red Horse  rides in our lives as well , igniting conflict and strife with others, just as with nations.

 "From where come wars and conflicts among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?" James:4:1

 Black Horse of Famine and Economic Hardships

Just as rationing and famine accompany wars , we will find that our lives will became rationed, that is,  whatever we look to other than Jesus, that something else , will dictated how we spend our lives our personal resources of time and money.

The scales which he carries speaks of the diminishing value of our lives personal currency , creating in our lives a hyper inflation , that is no matter how much we commit to our White Horse messiah it will never in the end satisfy  us.

Our personal resources will  go more and more toward devotion to and of the White Horse, that is , whatever we look to other than Jesus will determine how we uses the economies of our lives.

We find ourselves in a black famine of spirit and soul and starved personal relationships  as this Black Horses ride forth.

Pale Horse of Sickness and Death

If we follow a White Horse(s), which brings wars and conflicts within and without in our lives , we will find relationship become "sickly" , they will lose their once healthy luster and take on a sickish cast that ends in a dead relationship.

All this lost due to the following at the very onset the White Horse of a false Christ, which could not make good on all its the glittering promises.

Only Jesus

Only Our Lord Jesus can and will fulfill everything which we could ever hope for. Jesus  is that One that all humanity truly needs. Jesus is One who rides the White Horse of Victory, Righteousness , Holiness and  Purity.

These Four Horses have ridden in and over and in  the lives of humanity from the dawn of human civilization, bring death and hardship individually and collectively, all them unleashed when we look to the White Horse of False Messiahs what ever form that "messiah" takes  in our live or upon the world stage. 

Jesus and Jesus alone offers us all ,what all the others can never bring. He brings us peace, eternal abundance and life unending in the Kingdom over which He rules...We ask Ride forth Lord Jesus, Ride forth into all our lives....

Benediction: May each and all look only to our Lord Jesus  today, tomorrow and forevermore.. Amen

Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor
The Fountain of life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion 2101 Old National Pike Washington, Pennsylvania, 15301

The Fountain of Life is heard  on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM  in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela, Pennsylvania. And online around the world at

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"If It Is Not About Jesus, It Is Not About Anything"


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