Four geese and a swan
There's a pond I pass every day on my walk to my office. There are ducks and four geese. And now there's a swan. I saw - and heard - the swan arrive. There was a loud beating of wings overhead. I looked up and it was a swan. It landed gracefully on the duck pond. (The power and grace of a swan are breathtaking don't you think?)
That was a couple of months ago. And it's still there. A single swan choosing to live among the ducks and geese. That is daring to be different!
Then today as I passed, the swan was standing fairly near the geese, just looking at them. As I watched, one of the geese did that goose thing: stuck out its neck (was it imitating the swan's beautiful neck?), hissed and ran at the swan in a decidedly unfriendly way. The swan stepped back and turned away.
I felt quite sad for the swan, daring to be different but being attacked for the very same.
As business owners, in business do we follow the pack to feel safe and lose our unique identity, shrink and try to be more like other people to avoid ridicule and attack, blame external forces, make excuses or deny that things could be any different?
Or can we be brave, proud of who we are, with unique gifts (our products and services) that others need to know about?
Why not give it a go? Dare to be different! Take Action, learn new ideas to be brilliant and stand out. Get yourself a place at my business growth workshop on 17th May.
If you want more than your business is bringing you right now, want to work less hours and have more fun in your life, and you've been in business more than 2 years, it’s important that you get a place at this event. Click the link here to register your place.
I look forward to seeing you there.
By the way, there's really never been a more crucial time for you to be both different and better than your competitors. Click to book your place. Do you choose to be a swan or a goose?