Four Friends: John, Jen, Molly & Trish

Four Friends: John, Jen, Molly & Trish

 by John R. Nocero, Jennifer Rawley, Molly Downhour & Patricia Graham

Topic: Strength in Vulnerability

 John:    If you have been told that showing vulnerability in the workplace is a sign of weakness, think again. All of us are vulnerable. None of us are immune. We may put up a false bravado to hide any sign of weakness, but your team sees right through it. One of the strongest work relationships I have ever had is because I was willing to show my vulnerability. We were working on a financial spreadsheet, and I kept pushing saying we have to finish by the specified deadline. She said, “Why are you pushing so hard?” I said “because this is the only thing I am good at. I suck at everything else. I suck at my marriage and I suck as a dad.” Because I was willing to show my weaknesses, she opened up and now we are amazing collaborators. But who knows what would have happened if I chose to stay within myself and refused to open up.

Question for my three friends: describe a time when you showed vulnerability and it was a sign of strength, and not weakness.


Jen:   In my college years and early career days, I would push forward with a "fake it til I make it" mentality. It was a false display of confidence to cover for lack of experience. More recently, I have swung the pendulum. I readily admit when I don't know something and follow the statement up with an offer to learn or find out. A time when I showed this same vulnerability and it was a significant experience is related to my current role and the interview process. I was transitioning from a senior leadership role over a handful of departments in a mid-sized hospital to the chief executive of a small hospital- yikes! I did not want to over promise on my abilities, but I also didn't want to lose the opportunity. I played up my strengths and quickly admitted my weaknesses and areas where I knew I would need to grow. I expressed an honest desire and willingness to close the skill and knowledge gaps.

I did this at the risk of losing the job. However, it worked in my favor and I got the job. I found out during my orientation that the leadership team places significant value on transparency. Good, bad, ugly- after all, it cannot get any worse than the truth. When I interview candidates to hire on my team, I am more focused on their personality, work style, motivations, and fit than their skills. In fact, aside from very rare situations I don't bring them in to discuss their technical skills. I tell candidates I can teach them anything except how to be a good person and make good choices. Looking back, I believe my interviewers were seeking the same information about me. I have learned so much, and learn more every day. I still don't know everything but I DO KNOW that I never will- and that is the key to balancing success with fulfillment.

Molly:  Well this question was timely in that I forgot it was a half day today for my youngest. He sat in the office for over an hour while the school tried to call me and my husband. We were both out of town and worse, I was on a flight to New York (5 hours). My husband called friends and family frantically from his meeting in Chicago. Being the champ that he is, my son quietly read his book until he was picked up. I took it as an opportunity to tell all of our kids that I messed up royally. I made no excuses of which I could share many (crazy schedules for a family of five, two different school calendars, blah blah blah). I want my boys to know that their parents are not perfect, we make mistakes, and take responsibility for them. I shared how I felt powerless to fix the situation at the time and was worried sick, but we can make a plan to ensure it doesn't happen again.  I make a conscious effort to share with my boys how I make mistakes in both my personal and professional life hoping it will become ingrained that no one is perfect and trust is built when we own the mistakes and make it right.

Trish:  As leaders, we participate in all sorts of professional leadership coaching and training. I actively look for opportunities in addition to those activities provided by my employer. Several years ago, I completed a comprehensive professional leadership version of the Myers–Briggs Personality Type Indicator test and received a 30+ page results analysis document to pour over. The results of this particular test documented my strengths, challenges, and opportunities. It also had a section that documented how others would best work with me and I with them. One particular area in the analysis that was very interesting said that in communicating with me, others should, “Be bright, be brief, and be gone.” Wow. Did I have THAT low a tolerability for stupidity? Was I THAT impatient? Did I want people giving me information and getting out of my office the second they were done? I knew that being patient is a weakness for me (and it still is…but I am a work in progress). Many of the leaders in the organization quietly took their results and worked on themselves. I took my results and immediately did something quite drastic. I shared my results word-for-word with my management team. Talk about being vulnerable! The team and I laughed at some of the items as my team found some of them very true and also took note as a team member stated that “this one is sooooo me, too!” I realized that there was so much power and collegiality in being so raw as to show these results. Later, as conversations with my managers would occur, we would laugh together as they would give me a dig while saying, “I need to talk with you about an issue, but I promise to be bright, brief, and will be gone!” 





John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

