The Four Dimensions of Recovery
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, there are four dimensions of recovery. These four dimensions are health, home, purpose and community. The four dimensions not only provide someone with the impetus towards recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, but recovery from the trials and tribulations of life including any accompanying emotional disorders. There are many programs which can help someone reach these four elements of recovery. For example, an alcoholic struggling with drinking can turn to AA which will help them reach these four dimensions.
AA can help an alcoholic recover their health by halting their harmful drinking habits. AA can help an alcoholic find a new safe home in the form of a regular home-group which connects them with people who can assist them in finding a secure place to dwell during early recovery. AA can help an alcoholic find purpose in their lives by not only making them physically sober but emotionally sober as well through the 12 steps which can put their life in perspective. Finally, AA can help an alcoholic find a community in the form of a supportive and healthy social environment away from drugs and alcohol as well as the negative behavior patterns which kept them using or keeping their life unenjoyable. For us as addicts, alcoholics or simply people with generally unmanageable lives, the AZ House is what has helped us reach and sustain the four dimensions of recovery.
Those who come through our program leave it with improved health, both physically and spiritually, the ability to find a home to live in with a safe and secure environment, a newfound purpose in their lives, and a supportive loving community which they stay a part of for years to come. The AZ House helps us recover and sustain our health through not only the cessation of drug and substance abuse, but via spirituality and love. The AZ House provides us with a safe and loving home to live in and shows us how we can live among fellows in a happy and healthy manner. The AZ House gives us purpose by providing a medium in which we can complete the necessary steps through recovery as well a template to live a happier, healthier and fuller life away from drugs, alcohol and all the other negative behaviors which led us towards an unsustainable life. Finally, the AZ House provides us with a community and fellowship which gives us the glue which we can utilize to hold together our lives for many years to come as well as the motivation to live a more meaningful, fulfilling and sober life.
In the next article we will highlight the sad life of a historical figure who was unable to pull themself out of a severe case of alcoholism due to the lack of health, home, purpose and community in their life.