Four Day Work Week – Pros and its Implementation
Mansour Rashid Al-Naimi
Entrepreneur @ Business Startup | Strategic Business Development, Sustainable Development Goals
How about you are giving a job interview and get to know that you will work four days a week? Imagine yourself enjoying a three days weekend.
Gone are the days when companies tend to emphasize more upon hammering the work on their employees. Irrespective of any field or sector of the organization, the success of the organization totally depends upon the employees and their strengths.
Employees are the pillar of any organization. They make significant contributions both physically and mentally in the successful running of the organization. To motivate and encourage them to work more efficiently and effectively, many organizations obtain new strategies for their organizations every day.
Employers take care of employees by encouraging health and safety, improving workplace conditions, and providing high compensation. An important strategy recently put on the market is to work 4 days a week. It has caused a stir in the market. Few employees evident it as a positive strategy and some gave negative feedback.
There are two different methods which comprehend a 4 days a week working strategy.
1. One method is to compress the five-day work plan into the four-day plan per week by adding two more hours of each working day. This means that employees do not have to work 8-9 hours a day, but they must work 10-11 hours a day, that is, 4 days a week, 10 hours a day.
This working hour structure includes tea and lunch breaks as well.
In this way, employees have a three-day weekend, but can still cover extra day's work by working overtime. This weekly strategy of 10 hours and 4 days of work system attracts most employers and employees because it not only meets the needs of enterprises but also provides an excellent work-life balance.
2. Working four days a week is not a compressed work schedule, but the working hours are reduced to a few. Therefore, the employee will work approximately 28 hours in four days and have a three-day weekend. Working 4 days a week may seem like a radical idea, but since the late 19th century, the world has gradually reduced working hours in a typical working week. In 1890, the US government estimated that the full-time workers of a manufacturing factory worked on average 100 hours a week. By the mid-20th century, the working hours for employees were reduced to 40 hours per week.
Keeping in mind our history, reducing our current weekly working hours to 28 hours is probably not a significant issue.
Now, you may wonder how such a favorable situation is possible. Why do organizations and businessmen allow employees to work only 4 days a week? Will the company suffer losses as a result? Okay, you can thank your new robot colleague. Technology development can enable employees to do the same amount of work in less time, and still ensure that the customers are getting proper support.
Artificial intelligence technology will greatly disturb several aspects of every industry in each country, including our methods and working hours. Shortly, we may see an increase in remote and more flexible work plans (such as a four-day workweek). Also, the Trade Union Congress in some countries believes that if companies are forced to share the benefits of new technologies with their employees, then in the years to come, working 4 days a week could become a reality.
Different European countries have tried and implemented shorter working weeks to varying degrees. However, earlier this year, a New Zealand company conducted a formal experiment of a four day work week.
The Perpetual Guardian is a real estate management company that deals in EPA wills, trusts, and transactions. This is a highly discounted traditional company, ideal for getting close to quality work experience.
In March 2018 and April 2018, the company experimented with reducing the weekly working hours of its 240 employees from 40 hours to 32 hours while still paying the same wage. They hired a couple of researchers to record the results and perform quantitative analysis, and their findings show positive support for these four-day workweeks. The results of their research were found very enticing.
The work-life balance of the employees did not disturb them. In fact, there was an increase of 24% in several employees that successfully balanced their personal lives and work. There was a decrease in the level of stress among all the employees by almost 7%. Moreover, there was an overall increase of 5% in work satisfaction among employees.
But most importantly, Jarrod Harr, professor of human resources at Aukland University of Technology, said, "their real work performance is unchanged for four days instead of five days." He co-supervised the experiment.
According to reports, on the day of enjoying extra free activities, employees are especially motivated to meet productivity requirements. This incentive motivates employees to develop better working practices, reduce working hours, and also it is important to mention the improved moods of employees. "Supervisors say employees are more creative, have better attendance, are on time, and don't leave early or take long breaks," Harr said.
This research seems to provide evidence for the predictions many people have made: not only does time affect productivity, but employee mindset also plays an important role.
Microsoft conducted a four-day work trial at its office in Japan and found that employees were not only happier but also more productive. Microsoft Japan tried out a new project in August 2019 called “Work-Life Choice Challenge Summer 2019â€.
It provided holidays to all 2,300 employees for five consecutive Fridays without reducing any wages. At the end of the trial period, the company concluded that the shorter working week led to more efficient meetings, that employees were happier, and witnessed a humungous increase in productivity by 40%.
As part of the trial, the company had also planned to subsidize employees' family holidays of up to 100,000 yen.
Microsoft Japan President and CEO Takuya Hirano also said in a statement to the Microsoft Japan website: "Work a short time, rest well and learn a lot. I want employees to think and test how to reduce their work by 20% and achieve the same results."
In addition to improving productivity, employees' vacation time, during the trial period, the off-time employees used to take was reduced by 25%. Office electricity consumption was reduced by 23%, with additional rest days each week. During this period, employees printed 59% less paper. The vast majority of employees (92%) said they liked shorter weeks. Reported by The Guardian.
Working six hours a day or four days a week means working 30 hours a week. If you are an employer trying to persuade your employees actually to do the job, this might be a little worrying for you.
Before Sanna Marin became Prime Minister of Finland in December, she made a very different proposition. In essence, maybe one day, the country can try to work 4 days a week or 6 hours a day, which could perhaps be Led by Scandinavian countries. Marin made a speech when he was Minister for Transport and Communications in the summer.
Sweden tried six hours of working days, and an increase in productivity was witnessed. Studies on similar topics show that it is better to work hard in a shorter time. People perform best on a limited time scale. If we work for longer hours, our productivity declines.
In today’s world, the employees working in shifts were the reason for a 40-hour workweek. This idea was initially proposed and implemented by the Ford Motor Company. They introduced the working shifts of 8 hours, five days a week back in 1926.
The shift in mindset needs to happen rather than the typical “shift†mindset.
Still, we are well beyond the shifting mindset. Most of us still devote a lot of time in the evenings and mornings to checking emails and "working" at the dining table at our homes. This has nothing to do with the magnitude of work. Employees with integrity and perseverance will always complete their tasks and consider the work-life balance as their priority.
Emphasizing the employees to do work from offices eight to nine hours daily does not make sense.
There is a view that modern technology has dramatically accelerated the way we work and no longer needs a five-day working week.
For example, new HR and accounting software means that long spreadsheets are no longer needed, and tedious paperwork is something of the past.
The last five-day work system was an excellent example for workers to gain maximum benefit, but it was born in an age where factory labor was the standard. In a 19th century factory, working 5 days a week is ideal. People get up, go to work, finish their work, and go home. That's all.
However, with the advancement of technology and the rise of office work, the rule that a long time does not necessarily equate to higher productivity.
Working 4 days a week is a relatively new concept, mainly due to recent technological advances. However, some companies are already bringing satisfactory results to employees and employers and trying this idea.
The most promising advantages of Four day work week are:
A Significant Increase in Productivity
Sanford University’s in-depth research on relationships and productivity shows that there is a clear relationship between these two factors. In fact, the productivity of overworked workers is below average as compared to the workers working hours or typical working week.
The New Zealand-based company, Perpetual Guardian, piloted a four-day workweek (a case discussed above). Employees not only maintained the same level of productivity but also demonstrated improvements in teamwork and job satisfaction. Improved work engagement, work-life balance, and showcased promising loyalty to the company. Moreover, the stress level of the employees has also been reduced by 45% to 38%.
Given that some of the most productive countries in the world, such as Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany, work an average of 27 hours a week, while the United Kingdom has also recommended working 4 days a week, the results of this change relatively unexpected in an optimistic way. On the other hand, Japan is a country that is famous for overworking, ranking 20th out of 35 countries in terms of productivity
Reinforce Equality in Organization.
In Britain, there are 2 million people unemployed just because of childcare responsibilities. Among that, 89% of them are women.
The four-day workweek will promote equal workplaces, diversity, and integration into the workplace, as this will allow male, female, and non-male/female employees to spend more time in the family and balance work care and personal commitments.
As early as March, a famous burger chain shake shack began a four-day working day trial at some locations in Las Vegas, and the company has now adopted this policy in about one-third of the company's locations.
CEO of shake shack Randy Garutti has said that the four-day working week eliminates the need for some workers to pay for the fifth day of childcare, while for others, it is part of the motivation to apply for the job.
Improved Work Engagement
Working 4 days a week can bring happier and more loyal employees. Employees have plenty of time to rest and recover, so they are less likely to become stressed or take sick leave. As a result, they returned to work and prepared to take on new challenges.
Between 2015 and 2017, Sweden piloted a study with a shorter working week. Nurses in nursing homes only work 6 hours a day and 5 days a week. The nurses had fewer sickness absence, reported better health and mental health, and increased participation. The results were positive because they organized more 85% activities for patients.
CEO of shake said Randy Garutti has also said on the company's recent earnings conference call that while the four-day work plan is still in the testing phase, the results so far seem promising.
He said: "We really listen to the voices of managers, understand their lifestyle and what they want." What we heard was, 'Wow, it's so powerful.'
Four Days Work Week – Less CO2 Emissions
As government entities and companies scramble to cut spending, one idea that has attracted widespread attention includes cutting what most employees don't think is missing: working on Friday. Experts say those regular three-day weekends without reducing the actual working hours per week can not only save money but also reduce pressure on the environment and public health. In fact, there are several states, cities, and companies across the country that are considering or are already experimenting with a short schedule of their employees.
Several studies show a four day work week can benefit an increase in productivity, work engagement, and work satisfaction. However, it will also have a significant environmental impact as well.
According to a study, if our working hours were reduced by 10%, then our carbon emissions would be reduced by 14.6%. If we reduce working hours by 25%, or a day and a quarter of a week, our carbon emissions will be reduced by 36.6%. Another study found that if the working hours in the US (people with long working hours) become similar to those in Europe (people with fewer working hours), then their energy consumption will be reduced by about 20%.
A recent analysis of US states found that there is a strong positive correlation between working hours and carbon emissions. The more they work, the more pollution they have. Working four days a week is a good way to reduce environmental impact.
Saves on Business Expenses
In today's economic environment, many companies are reevaluating workplace traditions that have been transferred from the older industrial world. A five-day workweek is one of the most popular policies. Around the world, companies are exploring the idea that employees can work more efficiently by working only four days a week. Over the past few years, different organizations have reported some encouraging results. In 2008, Utah launched a program that allowed state employees to work 10 hours a day (4 working days a day) (instead of the standard 5 days and 8 hours). Although the policy was eventually revoked, an official review found that 81% of employees preferred the 4/10 timetable. Personnel and compensatory off time were decreased since the previous year, and the overall morale of workers has improved. Also, the state has saved nearly $ 1 million in operating costs.
A four day work week eliminates 20% of various overhead costs, such as electricity and energy. According to the US Energy Information Association, the average monthly commercial electricity bill in 2016 was $ 655. Reducing costs by 20% can save US $ 131 a month or the US $ 1,572 a year.
Furthermore, employees who work four days use fewer office utensils. Devices like printers and copiers depreciate more slowly. Information management company LAC Group recommends $ 200 per employee each year as a benchmark for office supplies. For a company with 100 employees, a one-fifth reduction in expenses can save $ 4,000 a year.
Fewer working days also means less frequent cleaning services. For businesses that pay $ 4,000 a month for evening office cleaning, a single working day cancellation can save $ 9,600 a year. Adding these amounts can save up to $15,200 approximately.
Technology can offer a 4 Day Work Week
Technology is primarily a big reason to offer a four day work week. In the last century, we have increased productivity by thousands of percentage points and a huge part in done in the past 20 years. Nevertheless, human beings have found a way to fill time.
There will always be more work. There are many stories of how AI and machine learning will reduce the need for people to take on boring daily tasks (even in technology development, operations, marketing, or sales). At some point, revolutionary changes will occur. I think that some of the biggest improvements will come from just improving the devices in all of us pockets that are smartphones.
Applications and solutions based on their current capabilities have brought us many shortcuts in reducing working hours. For example, if all the company's contacts are synchronized from day one of work, and you are on the sales team, you will never be disturbed by automated calls or other interruptions. If companies want to reduce their working hours 4 days a week, then simple solutions like this can add up and save time in the long run.
The TUC's report believes that technological progress should be used to reduce workload and increase productivity without sacrificing pay. The survey of 2,145 workers in Britain found that 81% of people wanted to reduce future working hours, and 45% chose to work four days a week.
Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of the TUC, said: "Working people deserve their fair share – and that means using the gains from new tech to raise pay and allow more time with their families. If productivity gains from new technology are even half as good as promised, then the country can afford to make working lives better.â€
It may seem extreme to jump straight to work four days a week; many companies are experiencing the impact of reducing weekly working hours. If you are interested in implementing it to some degree in your company, consider the following four steps.
Ask the Employees, conduct a Survey
It cannot be forced to reduce working hours and increase productivity. If your industry can reduce working hours, then you also need to make sure employees are competent for this task, and this is even what they want.
Have an open talk about this idea and see what everyone thinks: do they want to try it? What advice do they have on how to implement it? This can be formal, company-wide meetings, or more casual conversations, perhaps on the four-day Slack channel. If you think you can help employees open up or handle their views more honestly, you may also want to send them an anonymous survey.
Encourage the Automation
Productivity is the backbone of working four days a week. To make up for the loss in time, you will need to maximize work efficiency wherever possible. Of course, here's what you should do. After all, if a task is simple enough to be automated in the first place, then it's best to spend your time elsewhere. In this sense, working four days a week is just a convenient excuse to optimize operations.
If you start with automation, you may find that there is some swing space that can reduce working hours
Slowly Implement the Adaptive Scheduling
First, reduce the hours of work per week by two hours. Look at the situation. If productivity increases (or even stays the same), try four hours. In the end, you will be working four days a week with fewer growth troubles.
Building a schedule is one of the lesser-known shortfalls in reducing working weeks. This is doubled for customer service or any other industry that provides 24/7 support to consumers or customers. To ensure there are no gaps, you may need to develop a rotational shift schedule. That is, if you reduce your working hours by two hours a week, you get half your employees in the first two hours of a Monday and half your employees in the last two hours of a Friday.
Keep an Eye on Productivity
You need to track the efficiency of your employees to ensure a 20% time saving brings a return to the company. You can use any time tracking or project management program/application to track productivity and team output easily. Take note of the action here: You don't want your employees to feel that their time is being micro-managed suddenly. Instead, give them as much productivity flexibility as possible, while at the same time ensuring that their time is fully utilized.
Although we don’t know much about it, we may soon one day find that technology (especially AI) exceeds employee capabilities. We then need to make some key decisions about the future of work and how best to protect and promote the welfare of human workers. Working 4 days a week is a viable option because technology will enable businesses to continue operating normally, while humans can still have meaningful careers and a better work-life balance.
Companies these days still do not show enough interest in a four day work week. They often found reluctant and showcased a lack of three things: interest, understanding the benefits of a four day work week, and faith in the workers.
However, employers can be convinced by showing them better and lots of relevant data. Till now, we still do not have the data. What we have are the bunch of examples (Perpetual Guardian, Microsoft Japan, and Shake Shack)
Once I was concluding my thoughts I came up with a unique but considerable conception. Considering the effectiveness of a Four day work week, what if the companies and especially countries that have already implemented a shorter working week. Or, planning to do so would celebrate an extra day off as a special day. You will be getting an extra 4 days a month apart from a regular weekend. How about spending those extra days by seeding more social harmony among our society? How about considering a 1st extra day off of a month be a reading/research day? 2nd extra day is a social gathering day, meet your relatives. Build closeness to each other and develop social harmony. 3rd day could be sports and a healthy day. And the 4th day could be a Corporate Social Responsibility day and a heritage day.
It is just an idea that may help be a foundation stone to spread health, happiness, and harmony in our busiest of routines. Utilizing an extra day in our weekend in a better and optimistic way. It is an initiative that is not so difficult to take. Now it is up to organizations, states/countries to experiment with this idea to make society a much better place to live for themselves, ourselves and to our children. Today, in the world of globalization it would be great to witness the world practicing the unified three days weekend system globally.
While we wait and see how it all goes, today is a good time to initiate experimenting and practicing a Four day work week.