Four-Day Travel Packing List

Heading out of town for a long weekend or embarking on a four-day cruise is just the thing to give you a break from daily stress. Packing for your four-day Road trip essentials should also be fairly stress-free. Resist the urge to pack a complete outfit with matching shoes for each day -- everything you'll need for four days should fit into a duffel bag or small suitcase.


Basic Clothing

Pack basics, and plan to mix and match them. Bring two pairs of long pants: one pair of khaki or black pants, plus a pair of jeans for casual outings. If you expect warm weather, bring two pairs of shorts and a pair of long pants. If you're headed to a cool locale, bring two or three long-sleeve shirts, but pack four short-sleeve tops for a hot location in case you sweat and don't want to re-wear them. If you plan to have a dressy evening out or attend religious services, bring an appropriate outfit. A man should bring a collared shirt and tie to pair with black pants, while a woman should pack a wrinkle-resistant dress or top-and-skirt combo. Bring a cardigan sweater or sweatshirt to layer over any outfit.

Other Clothing Items

Pack five sets of underwear and socks in case it rains and you need to change. Bring an all-purpose jacket; in most climates, a waterproof nylon coat in a dark color will keep you warm and protect you from the weather. In winter, pack a wool coat, which will look more appropriate with all your clothing than a puffy parka. You'll likely only need two pairs of shoes: sneakers and dress shoes to pair with your upscale outfit. If you're headed to the beach, add a pair of sandals to your suitcase. Don't forget one set of lightweight pajamas.

Personal Items

If your hotel provides toiletries, you won't need to bring basics such as soap, shampoo and body wash. Even for four days, you will need hair products, deodorant, moisturizer that's right for your skin type, contact lens solution, feminine hygiene products, birth control, shaving cream, a razor, and a toothbrush and toothpaste. Buy miniature travel versions of your favorite products, or buy travel-size squeeze bottles and fill them from your full-size bottles. Store all your toiletries in a sealed bag to prevent leakage. Pack at least five days worth of any prescription medications, sunscreen and a bottle of aspirin. Bring over-the-counter medications for allergies and motion sickness if you think you'll need them.

Everything Else

If you're headed to the beach or your hotel has a pool, pack a bathing suit. The hotel will likely provide towels. Prepare for any weather conditions by packing an umbrella, a hat, a rain poncho and sunglasses. Bring a single paperback or a few magazines to read in your downtime. Pack your MP3 player and cell phone, plus chargers for each. Unless you're planning to work, consider leaving your laptop at home. It can be damaged in travel, and on a short trip you'll be too busy to use it much anyway.






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Kathryn Walsh, Leaf Group

Overpacking is never a good idea; less is more when traveling.

Overpacking is never a good idea; less is more when traveling. (Photo: Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images )

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Cruising through the Mediterranean, taking a safari in Kenya or visiting your mother-in-law -- no matter where you're headed, any time you take a trip that requires a suitcase many of the items you need are the same. To simplify packing, keep a laminated checklist in your suitcase. As you pack each item, check it off with a dry-erase marker, then erase the marks so you're ready to pack again the next time.


The Basics

No matter where you're going or for how long, one thing is certain -- you must have clean underwear. A good rule of thumb is to bring enough clean underwear for a week. For a week-long trip, you might add a few extra pairs, but on a longer trip you can wash some out in your hotel sink. Socks are a must too, even if you're headed to the beach, because you'll wear walking shoes frequently. Bring a pair for each day. You'll also need pajamas. A T-shirt and long cotton pants will suffice in nearly any environment.


The pieces you choose depend on the climate of your destination and the activities you're going to do there. As a basic guideline, plan to bring three or four bottoms and four or five tops for a week-long trip. A mix of jeans, shorts and khaki or black pants will be appropriate for many vacations. Unless you're headed someplace really frigid, you'll probably want a few short-sleeve T-shirts and a long-sleeve button-up shirt or blouse, plus a sweater or two. A dress or a combination of dress pants, a dress shirt and a tie is optional, though it's a wise addition if there's any chance you'll be dining out in fancy restaurants. You might also want a bathing suit. Pack a pair of walking shoes and a pair of dress. For a beach vacation, add sandals.

Personal Items

If you're staying in an American hotel, you'll likely find basic toiletries in the bathroom, but if you're not sure that shampoo, conditioner and facial cleanser will be provided, bring travel-size versions. Pack a razor, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, moisturizer, feminine care products, birth control and anything else you use daily. Keep a travel first-aid kit in your suitcase so you always have ibuprofen, bandages and burn cream on hand if you need them. Add any necessary medications, sunscreen, insect repellent and your eyeglass case or extra contact lenses and saline solution. If you're packing a carry-on suitcase, be sure that all liquids, gels and creams are smaller than 3.4 ounces per container and that all containers are placed in a clear plastic bag to follow TSA regulations.


You'll probably stow some personal items like your wallet, cell phone and MP3 player in your purse or carry-on bag, but you'll want to add a few other items to your suitcase. Bring chargers for any electronic devices. Pack a hooded coat; in winter, wear a parka or ski jacket during the trip and keep gloves, a hat and a scarf on hand. Bring a travel umbrella and a camera with spare batteries.


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