Four Common Phenomena That Limit Company Growth
Jennifer Willemsen
Founder THE FUTURISTS | Business Growth Powered by Higher Consciousness | For companies, organizations and corporations that are building and leading the New ?? | Surrendered Leadership |
When we look at company operation from a metaphysical perspective, and when we look at the energetic undercurrents responsible for effortless company manifestation and outcomes, we can discuss four common phenomena that limit company growth.
1. Vision Stretch Is Not Optimized
When a vision is brought into conscious awareness, this is the birth of a new container. Just like a children's coloring page, the black/grey frame has now been established through at least one person's imaginative observation. When this happens, creation has arrived. When at least one person connected to the company consciously connects with this vision, he/she pulls the frequency of this higher company reality into the company’s energetic reality field.
Ideally, all individuals that are part of the company are involved in this process for optimal performance, but minimally at least one person must go through this process to activate the observer effect, upon which the process from energetic to physical reality starts to take place (the process where a probability moves from quantum wavefunction, or "the unmanifested", into a single observation, also called "the manifested").
Therefore, each company needs a visionair (whether they are an internal or external part of the company) who can see the not yet manifested, destined higher realities that are available for the company. Energetically speaking, they pull the frequency of that company reality out of the field of infinite possibilities and release it into the company’s existing reality. As an effect, naturally all parts start to move and evolve organically to morph into that higher reality.
When there isn't a strongly established vision framework, when this framework has become too small or outdated, or when it is entirely absent, the creative energy that flows within the creation (company) remains chaotic without eventually falling into structure. It remains directionless, the creative energy gets lost, or it is not inspired enough (there isn't not enough forward pulling motion from "the future") to create continuous expanding movement within individuals, and therefore within the company at large.?
2. Counteractive Movement in the Management Unit
When we look at the management unit as the company component higher up the company pipeline, from which operation is directed, the stream of intelligent/Source energy will first move through this company unit, from which it will then stream into the rest of the company. Now imagine water that can flow through a pipeline that has no blocking structures within the pipe. The water can stream effortlessly forth into the rest of the operation, exactly as it is meant to. But if the water is meeting a barrière already higher up the pipeline, less and potentially clouded water will make its way forth into the rest of the operation, with all its effects.
The barrière can be seen as the egoic construct within the management mind, similar to how the egoic mind within an individual can block intelligent energy from moving through their being and into their lives, negatively impacting the different aspects of their reality, and/or holding back higher potentialities that are available to them.
Therefore, the purification of the management mind, the insight into operation from the lower mind and the transmutation of these lower aspects (individually and collectively as a team), will support the dissolving of barrières in order to attune to higher guidance and information to stream into the top of the company pipeline, straight into the further aspects of company operation, without interference, disturbances, or counteraction.
Further dissolution of restricted mind constructs within each individual within the company/management will support the expansion of consciousness with access to higher intelligence, increased performance and creativity, and expanded thinking as a positive result.?
3. Employee Misalignment And/or Underperformance
Each accurate positioning of a single part within a larger construct contributes to an increase in flow and performance within the larger creation. Imagine if the trees were not positioned in their accurate place and purpose within our ecosystem, and how this would affect all the organisms and processes that the trees are connected to and influence. What if the trees were positioned to function as the clouds, and their gift of providing oxygen would not be used??
Oftentimes, an employee enters a company construct based on a few variables that meet company demand. Their positioning is now determined and most of their time is spend on the execution of their assigned role. But if more time, care and attention would be given to deeper employee examination of their hidden potential and dormant gifts and talents, this would allow an individual to deepen into their true and/or a higher role within a company or organization and take their contribution to much greater level.
What is commonly apparent is that an individual employee is held back by limiting constructs of themselves (the conditioned self) that keep them contained in a smaller frame of performance, intelligence and creativity than they could otherwise access. Their current reality of self may meet one or more layers of demand within the company, but a more expanded reality of self could take the company into a form outside of its current box. Company investment in the most aligned employee positioning based on individual key attributes, and the investment in the awakening of their dormant potential and purpose power, provides an important key to the expansion of the company as a whole.?
4. Disharmony of In-Company Collaboration Between Departments
Imagine that you could metaphysically observe the interaction in and between eight different departments or units of a company. You would be able to observe the streamings of energy between each department, and receive information about why a certain stream is blocked, why a certain stream can’t flow to the degree that it is capable of, or why a certain stream cannot even properly connect with a receiver on the other end.?
Just like how synapses in the brain connect two different neurons (where decreased functioning of the connectivity of the neural network in this way affects human functioning and performance), you would be able to witness the connectivity between company departments and gain insight into where optimal systematic functioning is blocked or limited.?
There are many factors that influence the connectivity in between company departments, like communicative problems, operational misalignment, misunderstanding, lack of interpersonal connection, energetic remnants of past conflict and resentments, and more.
Disharmony of in-company collaboration between departments oftentimes goes unnoticed for long periods of time, since the emphasis will easily go toward manifested company issues or present challenges, like decrease of revenue, stagnation of sales, or decrease of customer satisfaction. However, the cause of these manifested effects may actually be rooted in this area of company operation and therefore it is important that this is closely examined on an occasional basis.
THE FUTURISTS ' Intuitive Business Scan provides these and other metaphysical insights for your current company situation and translates these insights into practical guidance and advisory to catalyze company growth.?For more information about this intuitive business scan, please visit here.
Written by Jennifer Willemsen - Founder THE FUTURISTS , Business Oracle & Transformation Guide for Conscious Leaders & Companies
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