Four Big Changes You Helped Spark
Plant With Purpose
Partners Not Projects // We work with rural communities to reverse deforestation and poverty.
“Do your donations to environmental organizations truly make an impact?” It’s a question that responsible donors ask. While there are many opportunities to support organizations striving towards a healthier planet, it's important to know if those donations are turning into a real-world impact.
This is why Plant With Purpose takes a data-driven approach to evaluating its work. We want to verify that our work is actually helping people transform their lives and land. We want to verify that we’re not just doing activities, like planting trees or opening Purpose Groups, but that those activities are resulting in healthier soil, families escaping poverty, and brighter futures for their children. This intensive evaluation also helps us identify ways we can continue to improve our efforts.
Our triennial Impact Report is the most comprehensive way we evaluate our impact. The most recent version, using 2023 data, uses baseline studies to monitor Plant With Purpose’s impact in a program watershed against a comparison watershed. This data allows us to more confidently say that the difference in outcomes between the two areas is a direct result of the support provided by our community of donors and their generosity.?
In the most recent report, we were able to identify a number of big changes catalyzed by donors like you. Here are four that stood out:
1) In the Dominican Republic, 91% of watershed participants have experienced drops in poverty
Participants who have been involved with Plant With Purpose for over three years have experienced a staggering 91% reduction in poverty. This means better access to water, more cash in savings, and more resilient families! This is a testament to the power of our holistic approach, which focuses on sustainable farming practices, community development, and environmental stewardship.
Imagine the profound impact this has on the daily lives of farming families. By learning to cultivate crops more efficiently, they can increase their yields and generate higher incomes. This enables them to afford better food, education for their children, and healthcare. Moreover, the improved soil health and water conservation practices contribute to a more resilient ecosystem, ensuring a sustainable livelihood for generations to come. We want your support to truly sustainable, going donations to environmental organizations to new practices that are passed through generations.
Globally, an average of 55% of residents in our watershed programs actively participate. This high level of engagement creates a ripple effect throughout the community. Neighbors share knowledge and resources, reinforcing the principles they learn in the program. Church and school partnerships amplify the impact by spreading these messages to a broader audience. As a result, even those who haven’t directly participated benefit from the improved environment, increased economic opportunities, and stronger community bonds.
Your generous support has made this transformative work possible, creating a brighter future for countless families in the Dominican Republic and beyond.
2) In the Democratic Republic of the Congo: an astounding 99% improvement in soil health
This is thanks to your support for regenerative agriculture and the dedication of the farmers we serve.
Families are learning and implementing sustainable farming practices in our watersheds that revitalize their land. Focusing on techniques like cover cropping, crop rotation, and agroforestry brings life back to the soil. This enhances soil fertility, improves water retention, reduces erosion, and promotes biodiversity. Donations to environmental organizations should result in improvements across all these areas!
The impact of this improved soil health is far-reaching. Farmers can grow more abundant and nutritious crops, ensuring food security for their families and communities. Additionally, healthier soil supports a more resilient ecosystem, mitigating the effects of climate change and protecting vital natural resources.
The positive changes we’re witnessing in the DR Congo result from a shift in mindset. Families in our program are significantly more likely to adopt restorative practices than a control group. This demonstrates the power of education, empowerment, and community-driven solutions.
Globally, our partners report a 28% improvement in soil health compared to the comparison group. Moreover, 64% more of their land is protected through regenerative agriculture or tree planting. These figures highlight the transformative potential of our work and the positive impact it’s having on communities around the world.
3) 75% of participants in Mexico believe their community can address problems by working together
75% of participants report their community working together to address local issues. This is a significant increase compared to the 26% of the comparison group who share the same sentiment.
This positive change is the impact of our Mexican partners' spiritual renewal initiatives. We believe that changed attitudes lead to changed actions. Our participants are coming to understand that their faith is not just about attending church on Sundays; it’s about living a life that reflects their relationship with God in every aspect. As communities embrace these values, a mindset shift occurs that catalyzes transformative action.
We see a clear pattern when we examine the attitudes and behaviors of our participants versus the comparison group. They are experiencing increased personal agency, improved family dynamics, and greater reconciliation within their communities. This is a testament to the power of our holistic approach, which addresses not only environmental and economic challenges but also the spiritual and social well-being of individuals and communities.
4) In Haiti, we’ve witnessed a 1019% increase in tree planting by our participating farmers!?
This translates to an average of 81 trees planted per farmer in the past year, compared to just 7 for the comparison group.
This success is especially exciting given Haiti's recent struggles. Reforestation provides a degree of security for farmers who rely on subsistence agriculture. Through agroforestry techniques, trees contribute to cleaner and more abundant water, improved soil health, and increased crop yields. Additionally, reforestation helps prevent erosion and sequester carbon, contributing to the renewal of entire ecosystems.
Planting trees is a critical part of Plant With Purpose’s environmental restoration activities. Our participating farmers are planting trees on their farms, in common areas, and forests, ultimately transforming their entire watershed. This green revival is restoring Haiti's natural beauty and building a more resilient and sustainable future for its people.
At Plant With Purpose, we’ve been working for 40 years to help farmers improve their lives and protect the environment. We’ve learned a lot along the way, including from our mistakes. We’re always looking for ways to improve things, so we regularly check how our programs work. We talk to farmers and study the results to make sure we’re making a real difference. This is how we show our commitment to you and the farmers we serve.
By being accountable and transparent, we’re also being careful stewards of the resources you entrust to us. We believe that it’s our responsibility to use those resources wisely and effectively to create a lasting positive impact. Your support are not simply donations to environmental organizations, they're opportunities to transform lives. The statistics we’ve highlighted here are just a sample of the remarkable results we are seeing across our nine program countries. Please visit to learn more.