The Foundry Nuke Merge Node

The Foundry Nuke Merge Node

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It is always better to create Multiple Merge Nodes for a better Node Tree to work without compilations as the composition tree gets bigger and it also can affect the view and understanding of the Node Graph using Multiple Merge might increase the Node Tree, but will be able to understand the Pipeline and have more control over the operation and disabling the Node and so on?…


Merge allows you to layer multiple images together. When using this node, you need to select a compositing algorithm that determines how the pixel values from one input are calculated with the pixel values from the other to create the new pixel values that are output as the merged image. The operation dropdown menu houses a large number of different compositing algorithms, giving you great flexibility when building your composite.

When using most of the available merge algorithms, Nuke expects premultiplied input images. However, with the matte operation you should use unpremultiplied images.

You can also create this node by pressing M on the Node Graph.

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A Input: The image sequence to merge with input B. When you connect the A input, a new input A1, A2, etc. is spawned allowing you to connect multiple image.

B Input: The image sequence to merge with input A.

Mask: An optional image to use as a mask. By default, the merge is limited to the non-black areas of the mask.

At first, the mask input appears as triangle on the right side of the node, but when you drag it, it turns into an arrow labeled mask. If you cannot see the mask input, ensure that the mask control isn’t disabled or set to none.




Sets the Merge algorithm to use:

? atop — Shows the shape of image B, with A covering B where the images overlap. Algorithm: Ab+B(1-a)

? average — The average of the two images. The result is darker than the original images. Algorithm: (A+B)/2

? color-burn — Image B gets darker based on the luminance of A. Algorithm: darken B towards A

? color-dodge — Image B gets brighter based on the luminance of A. Algorithm: brighten B towards A

? conjoint-over — Similar to the over operation, except that if a pixel is partially covered by both a and b, conjoint-over assumes a completely hides b. For instance, two polygons where a and b share some edges but a completely overlaps b. Normal over produces a slightly transparent seam here. Algorithm: A+B(1-a)/b, A if a>b

? copy — Only shows image A. This is useful if you also set the mix or mask controls so that some of B can still be seen. Algorithm: A

? difference — How much the pixels differ. See also Absminus. Algorithm: abs(A-B)

? disjoint-over — Similar to the over operation, except that if a pixel is partially covered by both a and b, disjoint-over assumes the two objects do not overlap. For instance, two polygons that touch and share an edge. Normal over produces a slightly transparent seam here. Algorithm: A+B(1-a)/b, A+B if a+b<1

? divide — Divides the values but stops two negative values from becoming a positive number. Algorithm: A/B, 0 if A<0 and B<0

? exclusion — A more photographic form of difference.

Algorithm: A+B-2AB

? from — Image A is subtracted from B. Algorithm: B-A

? geometric — Another way of averaging two images.

Algorithm: 2AB/(A+B)

? hard-light — Image B is lit up by a very bright and sharp light in the shape of image A. Algorithm: multiply if A<.5, screen if A>.5

? hypot — Resembles the plus and screen operations. The result is not as bright as plus, but brighter than screen. Hypot works with values above 1. Algorithm: diagonal sqrt(A*A+B*B)

? in — Only shows the areas of image A that overlap with the alpha of B. See also In. Algorithm: Ab

? mask — This is the reverse of the in operation. Only shows the areas of image B that overlap with the alpha of A. Algorithm: Ba

? matte — Premultiplied over. Use unpremultiplied images with this operation. See also Matte.

Algorithm: Aa+B(1-a) (unpremultiplied over)

? max — Takes the maximum values of both images. See also Max. Algorithm: max(A,B)

? min — Takes the minimum values of both images. See also Min. Algorithm: min(A,B)

? minus — Subtracts B from A. Algorithm: A-B

? multiply — Multiplies the values but stops two negative values from becoming a positive number. See also Multiply.

Algorithm: AB, A if A<0 and B<0

? out — Only shows the areas of image A that do not overlap with the alpha of B. See also Out. Algorithm: A(1-b)

? over — This is the default operation. Layers image A over B according to the alpha of image A. Algorithm: A+B(1-a)

? overlay — Image A brightens image B.

Algorithm: multiply if B<.5, screen if B>.5

? plus — The sum of image A and B. Note that the plus algorithm may result in pixel values higher than 1.0. See also Plus. Algorithm: A+B

? screen — If A or B is less than or equal to 1 the screen, else use the maximum example. Similar to plus. See also Screen. Algorithm: A+B-AB if A and B between 0–1, else A if A>B else B

? soft-light — Image B is lit up. Similar to hard-light, but not as extreme. Algorithm: B(2A+(B(1-AB))) if AB<1, 2AB otherwise

? stencil — This is the reverse of the out operation. Only shows the areas of image B that do not overlap with the alpha of A.

Algorithm: B(1-a)

? under — This is the reverse of the over operation. Layers image B over A according to the matte of image B. Algorithm: A(1-b)+B

? xor — Shows both image A and B where the images do not overlap. Algorithm: A(1-b)+B(1-a)

Video color space sRGB disabled

When enabled, colors are converted to the default 8-bit color space (Project Settings > LUT > 8-bit files) before doing the composite and results are converted back to linear afterwards.

Alpha masking

Screen alpha disabled

When enabled, the input images are unchanged where the other image has zero alpha, and the output alpha is set to a+b-a*b.

When disabled, the same math is applied to the alpha as is applied to the other channels.

Note: This option is disabled on operations where it makes no difference or PDF/SVG specifications says it should not apply.

Set bbox to bbox union

Sets the output bounding box type and any data outside this region is clipped off:

? union — Resize the output b box to fit both input b boxes completely.

? intersection — Use only those parts of the image where the input b boxes overlap.

? A — Use input A’s bbox.

? B — Use input B’s bbox.

Metadata from Meta input B

Sets which input’s metadata is passed down the node tree.

Note: When metadata from is set to All and there are keys with the same name in both inputs, keys in B override keys in A.

B channels rgba

Sets the channels to use from the B input, and which channel to treat as the B alpha.

Output rgba

Sets the channels to which the merge of the A and B channels are written.

Also merge none

Sets the channels that are merged in addition to those specified in the A channels and B channels controls.

Mask N/A disabled

Enables the associated mask channel to the right. Disabling this checkbox is the same as setting the channel to none.

Mask Channel Input none

The channel to use as a mask. By default, the merge is limited to the non-black areas of this channel.

inject disabled

Copies the mask input to the predefined mask.a channel. Injecting the mask allows you to use the same mask further downstream.

invert mask disabled

Inverts the use of the mask channel, so that the merge is limited to the non-white areas of the mask.

Fringe disabled

When enabled, only apply the effect to the edge of the mask.

When disabled, the effect is applied to the entire mask.

Mix 1

Dissolves between the original image at 0 and the full merge at 1.

Layering Images Together with the Merge?Node:

The Merge node with its compositing algorithms allows you to control just how your images are combined.

Note: When using most of the available merge algorithms, Nuke expects premultiplied input images. However, with the matte operation you should use unpremultiplied images.

To Layer Images with the Merge Node

1. Select Merge > Merge (or press M on the Node Graph) to insert a Merge node after the images you want to layer together.

2. Connect your images to the Merge node’s A and B inputs.

3. If necessary, you can connect multiple A images to the Merge node. Once you have got the A and B inputs connected as instructed in step 2, drag more connectors from the left side of the Merge node to the images you want to use as additional A inputs.

Each input is merged in the order connected, for example A3, A2, A1, B.

4. Connect a Viewer to the output of the Merge node so you can see the effect of your merge operation.

5. In the Merge node’s controls, select how you want to layer the images together from the operation dropdown menu. The default and the most common operation is over, which layers input A over input B according to the alpha of input A. For descriptions of all the available operations, see Merge Operations.

6. Using the A channels and B channels dropdown menus, select which channels to use from the A and B inputs and which channels to use as the A and B alpha. If you want to merge more channels than these and output them into the same channels, select them from the also merge dropdown menus and checkboxes.

7. From the output dropdown menu, select the channels you want to write the merge of the A and B channels to. Channels named in the also merge dropdown menu are written to the same output channels.

8. If necessary, you can also adjust the following controls:

? To select which input’s metadata to pass down the tree, use the metadata from dropdown menu.

Note: When metadata from is set to All and there are keys with the same name in both inputs, keys in B override keys in A.

For more information on file metadata, see Working with File Metadata.

? To dissolve between the original input B image (at 0) and the full Merge effect (at 1), adjust the mix slider. A small light gray square appears on the node in the node graph to indicate that the full effect is not used.

? If you want to mask the effect of the Merge operation, select the mask channel from the mask dropdown menus. To invert the mask, check invert. To only apply the effect at the edges of the mask, check fringe.

Note that you should not use the alpha of the inputs for the mask. It produces erroneous results (though the error is often hard to see); you can achieve better results by turning on alpha masking.

? From the Set BBox to dropdown menu, select how you want to output the bounding box. The default is union, which combines the two bounding boxes. You can also select intersection to set the bounding box to the area where the two bounding boxes overlap, A to use the bounding box from input A, or B to use the bounding box from input B.

? By default, Nuke assumes that images are in linear color space. However, if you want to convert colors to the default 8-bit color space defined in the LUT tab of your project settings (usually, sRGB), check Video colorspace. The conversion is done before the images are composited together, and the results are converted back to linear afterwards. Any other channels than the red, green, and blue are merged without conversion.

Checking this option can be useful if you want to duplicate the results you obtained from an application that uses the standard compositing math but applies it to non-linear images (for example, Adobe? Photoshop?). In this case, you typically also need to make sure premultiplied is not checked in your Read node controls.

? By default, the same math is applied to the alpha channel as the other channels. However, according to the PDF/SVG specification, many of the merge operations (for example, overlay and hard-light) should set the alpha to (a+b — ab). This way, the input images remain unchanged in the areas where the other image has zero alpha. If you want to enable this, check alpha masking.

Merge Nodes:

Merge nodes deal with layering multiple images together. The default mode is over, which simply places one image on top of another.



Merges images using the difference algorithm: abs(A-B).


Merges images using over, but also premultiplies the result.


Creates a weighted average of all inputs.


Generates a contact sheet displaying all inputs.


Copies the bounding box from the A input onto the B stream.


Copies a rectangular area from one input on top of another.


Creates a weighted average of two inputs.


Merges images using the in algorithm: Ab.


Copies input A to input B where the mask is non-black.


Generates a contact sheet displaying all layers in the input.


Merges images using the matte algorithm: Aa+B(1-a).


Merges images using the matte algorithm: max(A,B).


Merges multiple images together using various algorithms.


Merges two images using Tcl expressions.


Merges images using the min algorithm: min(A,B).


Merges images using the multiply algorithm: AB, A if A<0 and B<0.


Merges images using the out algorithm: A(1-b).


Merges images using the plus algorithm: A+B.


Multiplies the input’s rgb channels by its alpha channel.


Merges images using the screen algorithm.


Switches between any number of inputs.


Dissolves between two inputs using a curve over time.


Divides the input’s rgb channels by its alpha channel.


Merges input images together at their appropriate 3D depths.



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