Founding of my Human & Technology Centered Ecosystem (HTCE)
As keynote speaker and spokesperson forGeneration ? Y ?, I have been dealing with these subjects for the last 7 years: MillennialMindset as a driver for cultural change in organisations, the future of work and the impact of the V.U.C.A. reality on organisations, teams, individuals and leadership. I would also be happy to provide you with the followingformats (online conference, webinars, online training) concerningthese topics. Due to high demand in recent years, countless discussions and, basing myself on the Pain Points I am currently witnessing in the business world, I decided back in 2019 to bring my Speaking Business as well as my Management Consulting to the Next Level. The result is my creation of a Human & Technology Centered Ecosystem - in my eyes an innovative jump for the future of work!
? Founding of my Human & Technology Centered Ecosystem (HTCE)
Become a customer, investor or high-end cooperation partner
I am presently creating a Human & Technology Centered Ecosystem (see photo), a hybrid platform for New Work, within a space of more than 1000 square meters located in a prime location in Cologne (the Belgian Quarter). Cooperating in this project are major companies such as Sedus Stoll, Kapsch BusinessCom, Bosch.IO, Fraunhofer IAO and many more. Our common objective :
Empowering the Workforce for the 21st Century by challenging the Status Quo
I would be delighted to welcome you there as one of our first customers, as an investor or as cooperation partner! In concrete terms, what can you expect? Below you will find an explanation.
? My ? Why ?for the creation and development of the HTCEs
For the last 7 years, as spokesperson for Generation “Y”,my principle driving force has been toinstigatethe following impact :
I wish to further develop, in leaps and bounds, the skillset of the Millennials, as well as the entire workforce, in order to ensure your business is in the best possible shape to take on the global "War for Talents", so that you and the country as a whole can master the transition into the digital age.
The vast majority of businesses still rely on personnel development, spatial concepts, skills and methods from the past industrial age.
"Don`t get stuck with
your work culture and workforce in
the past 20th century"
- Dr. Steffi Burkhart
? My Solution
A multidimensional Ecosystem for your New Work.
My Human & Technology Centered Ecosystem uses state-of-the-art technologies (sensors, artificial intelligence, 8K camera operations, video conferencing systems, augmented reality solutions, Hololens 2 & holograms, cloud computing solutions, artificial and human cognitive solutions, smart crowd management including fever measurement), a comprehensive methodology (agile working methods, creative methods, interactive co-creation processes, development of minimum viable products) as well as multifunctional and space-psychologically well thought room concepts (integration of twelve different working styles and sensor-networked furniture) a novel ecosystem of more than 1,000 sqm that is perfectly suited as a working, cultural and experimental space for companies, ministries and federations.
= Next Generation of (Corporate) Co-Working Culture
? My Cooperation Partners
The project is based on a strong collaborative mindset as well as the interlocking of different expertise from the fields of space, technology, methodology and research. In order to ensure a smoothdovetailing, my team and Icurrently receive the support fromtwelve top companies specialized inthe fields of space, methodology, research and high technology.
? My HTCE Format
Seminars, Workshops, Speaking, Co-Creation Projects - Analogue, Digital, Hybrid
- Co-creation projects with ourtechnologyexperts for the digitalization of business processes and business models
- Innovation Monitoring to identify relevant trends and innovations for your business
- Special Y-Innovation Room ona hybrid (analogue& digital) journey to jointly develop a digital vision and understand how to get there
- Smart Learning Environment BarCamps & Masterclasses
- Performance analysis and optimisingvia hybrid performance coaching
- Cross-industry dialogues on HTCE insights and NewWork
- Develop your own high-performanceecosystem of a fully functioning first place, second place and third place of work
- Correct equippingof a Home Office Workplace duringthe Covid-19 period
- Infotainment events, fireside chats, expert lectures
Our experts and I have developed more than 20 different formats to support companies, ministries and federations in continually developing their digital visions in co-creation processes - both human- and technology-centric. In order to be able to implement these formats in an optimal manner, I have created, in a space covering more than 1000 square meters, an HTCE in Cologne with the capacity to hold up to 100 formats per year. Withover ten different room situationsavailable, this will allow diverseproject teams and organizations to work there simultaneously and in parallel. You also have the possibility to book the entire ecosystem for your events. Events andIn-house catering for up to 200 people are also possible.
In the future, general along with individual safety for guests at events as well as for office staff will be the top priority. Our partners and I have developed solutions for exactly this: Occupancy counting - recording and analysis of people entering and leaving the premises; fever measurement - mobile hand scanner models or stationary solutions; mask recognition - AI-based automatic recognition; distance management - targeted monitoring of the minimum distance
Do not hesitate to contact me. Either by Email : [email protected] or Phone : 0049-17647014303.
? My digital lecturetopics duringthe Covid-19 period
Book me for the following subject : Millennials as the most important driver for the world wide, upcoming wave of digitization during and after the Covid-19 era. The next wave of digitization is already in full swing. There is strong economic and scientific evidence that Millennials – (i.e. the representatives of my Generation Y and Generation Z), as digital experts and creators,will be the most important drivers for the nextbig wave of digitization. But how can your HR or you identify them? How do you address them? How do you construct, for these Digital Masters,a Best Candidate and Best Employee Experience in a continuous adventure? And what does the Executive Management in your company need to pay attention to,and be trained,in order tonot onlyattractthe future Digital Masters for your company,but alsoretain them and develop them into a high-performance team.
Let us develop together a Nudge-Engine (digital content for your workforce, customers and partners) on further topics like
- Modern communication in a digital world
- Covid and Mindset shift as drivers for the digital transformation
- V.U.C.A. as a framework and explanatory model in the Covid-19 period
- Workstation design for the Home Office
- Exceptional and fluid communication along with top performance in the first place (home office), second place (office) and third place (car, park, café etc.) of work
- Organizational Resilience Solutions
- The correct use of digital tools whencontacting clientsand partners
- Working from home while parenting full-time
- Ambidextrous leadership - exceptional management and motivational leadership during the present time
- How to become a great Virtual Leader
- Creating strongand receptiveCommunities with a Global Team
- Your space, your work, your mental health
- The development of coping strategies in connection with resilience and combating fragility for the millennials
- Return to work - the Zero hour after Covid-19, how can the Workforce overcomethe lack oftrust and regain confidence in the Workplace (Second-Place)
- Making better decisions in critical times (behavioural economics and data science)
- Further develop the digital adventureof your employees, e.g. with a specialist webinar for programming your own artificial intelligence
- Along with many more
? Would you ...
1. Would you liketo book my digital lectureand content formats?
2. Would you liketo be one of my first customers in HTCE?
3. Would you liketo invest in my project HTCE?
4. Would you liketo become an HTCE cooperation partner?
?? Interested ?
Then please do not hesitate to contact me. Either by Email: [email protected] or by Phone: 0049-17647014303.
? Spread the word
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Congratulations and good luck, Steffi!