The Founding Of Futures
Careerconsortia was named only in late 2015 and after pioneering and implementing a concept that was designed in 2009 and commenced in 2011 and after running it for 4 years to exactly know what we needed and how we will be going forward.
Any resources one may find online was officially developed in late 2015, after we had defined our directions, objects and strategy for the public. It was not just a personal dedication in time and resources. The amount of resources placed into its implementation was beyond expectations. The amount of work and innovation being conducted was immersive.
At the end of 2016, it was submitted for a statutory unit's sponsorship however it was adopted to become a National Programme in the end which eventually flourished and owned by a the statutory of the country itself which had subsequently even rebranded themselves with a new statutory name.
We pioneered Employment Assistance without inventing its name. While we were doing it, we had such a hard time explain to everyone what we do, how we do it at a time when too many would laugh this is precisely not useful, silly or claiming that we do are not relevant. Only that they were so shortsighted at the time and in today's context there are probably a trillion followers who are trying to do what we were doing or had been doing.
To the extent that an entire statutory unit had to take what we have without sponsoring us, probably means that it is too expensive for them to give us those funds but needed so critically to deploy what we had defined between the years of 2011 - 2015. The level of innovation is so critical and strategic that they needed simply to take it for themselves to benefit the entire nation.
It is most inspiring to know that our created value had now become a national benefit and our founder is most happy that his initiative or passion project had served an entire nation. Thought Leadership is nothing compared to this, because a thought is just a thought but what he had lead had benefitted the citizens by the millions.
Find out more with our real life testimonials through our newsletters. This will published on a daily basis as we continue to do what we do, benefitting the public with Altruistic Leaderships To Redefine Our Futures.