Founders of the Malaysian Admiralty Court and Malaysian Coast Guard
I moderated a Session at the Malaysian Maritime Law Conference at the KLRCA this week. It was also a good occasion for me to catch up with my colleagues in the Industry.
It was an honour to catch up with the Rt Hon Tun Dato Seri Zaki bin Tun Azmi the former Chief Justice of Malaysia, the Rt Hon Datuk Nallini Pathmanathan and the Rt Hon Dato' Zulkifli bin Abu Bakar.
Tun Zaki approved the setting up of the Malaysian Admiralty Court during his tenure as Chief Justice in October 2010 and Datuk Nallini was the Admiralty Judge who started the Court until Her Lordship was elevated to the Court of Appeal. Datuk Nallini now oversees appeals from the Admiralty Court. I argued the inaugural reported decision of the Admiralty Court in the case of the Istana VI.
The Rt Hon Dato' Zulkifli bin Abu Bakar is the Deputy Director General of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency [ MMEA], Malaysia's Coast Guard.
For the MMEA see:
Pic - From left :Rt Hon Tun Dato Seri Zaki bin Tun Azmi the former Chief Justice of Malaysia, the Rt Hon Datuk Nallini Pathmanathan and the Rt Hon Dato' Zulkifli bin Abu Bakar.