Founder's Guide to Writing a Book (3 of 3)
Unanswered questions are far more powerful than answers. The deepest feelings we have as humans go unsaid. There's no language down there. When a founder decides to write their book, it is imperative to go to a place with no words and find some. This leads us to the third element every founder must know before writing their book.
Harness The Value of Uncertainty
If you want to dig into the hearts of your readers, if you want to inspire and push from the inside out, give them words to express all they have felt but never could say.
This can be executed in the form of a question, an inquiry into why something failed, or even why something worked. This is giving the reader not just the end results of a successful process, but the internal doubt along the way.
Business people often talk about bankruptcies, firings, and other semi-normal occurrences in business. Seldom do they talk about the battles that leave them vulnerable. That takes courage.
There used to be a saying, "It's not personal it's just business." Today, the world operates in the exact opposite, "It's not business, it's personal." This means your thought leadership will reflect the depths to which you are willing to descend to expose your struggles, contradictions, and inner conflict. Which version is stronger?
Version 1: I walked onto the pitch competition stage fully confident and able to deliver what I knew would be the winning presentation of the day. After working on every detail for an entire year, I could speak without notes and decided to do just that. I avoided internal distractions and hit the stage. It was go time.
Version 2: I stood backstage staring at the floor. Any second now and they'll call my name. As I struggled to keep it together, two drops landed on my shoes. The bustling around me kept anyone from noticing what was going on inside of me. Yes, I was confident in my presentation, but I was doubtful my marriage would last. I was concerned about my upcoming doctor visit and whether my son would find his way. This has to work, I thought to myself. Something has to. A flashlight flickered my way as the stagehand signaled my name had been called and the crowd was waiting. And it was at that instant, I decided to do away with my prepared presentation I had worked on for a year, and instead just tell my story. That is when my life changed.
Founders, take your reader into another dimension. Take your reader behind the veil. Encourage them with the hard things, and they will reward you with their loyalty to your work forever.
Written by: Dennis Ross BookAmbition.coom