The "Hindsight is 20/20" Moment I'm Having
Article Helping Me Think MORE about our AI Future
- Is the future about one all-knowing AI or many? The new app Poe gets you ready to chat with them all | Nieman Journalism Lab. Let the anthropomorphic games begin. There's been a lot of talk this week about the excitement and potential dangers of AI. As we continue to explore the potential of generative AI, we're discovering a range of flavors to suit different needs. There are platforms with specialized voices and areas of expertise, constitutional AI that follows a set of directives, and pithy AI that cuts straight to the chase. "Now you are a Physics Tutor; Now you are a Research Assistant; Now you are my Best Friend." Triangulation of AI engines may do the majority of the work to get there, and our anthropomorphizing could do the rest. From the article: “as these AIs integrate themselves deeper into our lives, it’ll be important to see them less as an all-seeing oracle and more as a set of compelling voices — who can still screw up sometimes.”
The Space I Investigated This Week While Contemplating Our Collective Moral Future