The Foundation of Fools
The New Year is underway, but sadly?old?ways persist in the hearts of many people. One of those old ways?is the disdain millions of people appear to have for the way of Christ.
For example, several years ago?the presentation of a well-known minister was cancelled because of his “extreme evangelical beliefs.” The person (a government member) spearheading the cancellation went on to remark,?“To fund such an event for a figure who holds extreme views on sensitive social issues is, in my opinion, a terrible way of spending public money.”?Those “extreme views” and “sensitive social issues” were basic Bible teaching on homoerotic behavior and the validity of faiths other than Christianity.
Regrettably, the views of this government member are pervasive, and those views are having an impact on national behavior. Consider:?since the Welsh Revival of 1904-05 (a period of religious fervor), the region of more than?3 million people has experienced the largest decline of church attendance in the entire United Kingdom. These people are gradually phasing God out of their lives, and the result for them can only be catastrophic (John 5:28-29).
As you read this post, how do we respond to the current reality? First, we pray for the United Kingdom. But just as importantly, we pray for the United States. The foundation of?our?nation is being built upon biblically bankrupt social agendas and politically correct inclusivism, tolerance and acceptance. This is a faulty and cracked foundation; it is the foundation of fools (1 Cor. 3:19-20).?Contrast this position with the words of the apostle Paul when he wrote,?“No other foundation can be laid than . . . Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11).”?In 2023, may God help our nation — and nations around the world — to return to, live, and proclaim His word.
Want to talk more about it??Feel free to?contact us here.?And if you are in the Richmond area,?come?worship with us?at 813 West Broad Street this?Sunday morning at 10:30 (Bible classes for all ages at 9:30). Onsite or?online,?you will always experience a warm welcome and encouraging, relevant word from the Lord at the West Broad Church of Christ.?We certainly hope to see you soon....
Notes:?Christianity Today, 1/05, p. 22?