If it found your way, it's for you.
Do you find some idea breathing in the background of your life?
Like doing something new, like fixing something.
You know that sweet affinity, demanding nothing more than purity of attention.
Would you like to know whether it is a sign?
I asked the question myself a lot. If you find any of it resonating, this newsletter is particularly for you.
In this newsletter post, I'll share how I overcame my fear of choosing an idea to do something new (without a prior experience and specialized training) with just one key point in my mind.
Furthermore, I'll share the positive place my choice led me into.
Keep reading.
This September completes 3 years of my journey as a writer.
The journey had twists and turns (You're right! Since when journey's hadn't had?), but when I look at the bigger picture, I only see growth.
But how?
Now, what do my baby-steps out of my comfort zone have to do with you?
Read on and let me explain, dear friend :-)
This week's newsletter will discuss a belief that found my way through the Universe.
So the story begins and end this way:
Because of a political happening in Pakistan, one day I found myself being inclined to write about it.
I was surprised at myself.
The last time I had written anything political was in my associate degree program back in 2019 for none other in Pakistan Studies exam.
I write articles and essays in the self-growth, spiritual-growth, lifestyle niche.
I write flash fiction and flash memoirs.
I write blog posts on almost every topic except for politics, and data science etc.
Now, what? Politics?
I could not write. Or I should not write I told myself.
You need such an enormous change in your writing voice when you are writing for a political audience.
You cannot afford compassionate style -- the way you write personal growth stories.
The last thing I want in my life is fixation.
I firmly believe there's much more than what we can see at the moment and opinionated political writings need a fixation.
I wouldn't trade my growth-seeking mind for writing over one idea that nagged behind my curtains, I told my mind every night I closed them.
Yet, the idea kept nagging.
One day, as if surrendering to the electricity in my mid, I picked up my laptop and started penning the article.
It wasn't fixated.
It was extensively-researched.
It had the spiritual element that I offer in almost every writing piece of mine. An element that's a watermark of my writing voice.
I read it, I reread it, I passed it through the proofreading software and then what?
I sent it to an Pakistan/International Relations Publication.
Each morning as I'd check my Gmail before starting off with work or studies, I expect a rejection mail saying: :Your writing does not align with the pattern of our publication. This time we are going to pass."
But that rejection notification never came.
One day, instead, I received an email congratulating me. My writing was the reason I was selected as a writing intern for their publication.
The best bit you learn from it?
If an idea finds your way and doesn't leave you easily, no matter how mundane it seems, it is a sign.
It's that simple.
It is a sign that you're chosen by God and His Universe to do something over it.
This applies whether you're an entrepreneur, a marketer, a writer, a designer, a teacher, a philanthropist or belong to any other profession under the horizon.
J.K. Rowling the author of the Harry Potter Series says, "Wand chooses the wizard".
Likely so, an idea chooses who it thinks is capable of entertaining it the right way. and so you are.
The best part?
You're supposed to pursue that idea.
Because it was the idea that found your way and not the other way round.
You've everything it takes to explore that called journey.
Is there anything more?
You do not have to change your real alignment for it. Like I didn't trade spiritual/compassionate orientation while even writing on a political topic.
My discerning reader, please remember there's always a sweet spot of balance between the way world expects you to be and the way you are.
Oh, another alignment philosophy here?
Well, no.
As they say,
You know truth by the way it feels. You feel this alignment the same way.
I'd love to read about your take on it.
Let me know about it in comments :-)
P.S. If You're a writer aimed at honing your craft (like myself), as an HEC Essay-competition winner and author of 5 eBooks and 300+ articles I've compiled the most worthwhile writing lessons in my eBook The Journey into Writing.
If you'd like to read the book, please refer to the link here.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about these lessons as well :-)
Hello reader,
I'm Fiza Ameen, HEC Essay-Competition Winner and top writer awardee at Medium. You can find more about me on my blog.
If you want my freelance content (the writings that do not die as the day dies) on a topic of your choice at an affordable rate, feel free to reach out.
As an answer to why that'd be a trustworthy choice (by the way, I'm so inspired by Simon Sinek Start with Why encouragement), here's the reader's review of my writings, and here's my portfolio website.
Thank you very much for your time.
Be blessed always :)