Found Money: What Is It?
Scott Thomas of Stewardship Matters, Inc an RIA firm in Maitland FL shares with groups on the concept of "Found Money" for several years. Some of the groups include FICPA, Estate Councils, Eldercare, Charitable Gift Planners, Association of Fundraising Professionals, and corporations.
What is Found Money? Money you did not know existed. Governmental benefits enhanced such as Social Security claiming strategies, Veterans Affairs Improved Pension Benefits aka Aid & Attendance. It could be tax strategies that provide more cash flow now or in the future. Gifting strategies to family or charities that enhance one's financial means and creates more wealth.
Scott shares from personal experience stories that are easy to relate and create ideas of opportunities for individuals, their professionals and their favorite charities. Planning should be fun and easy to understand. Mission statement for Scott is "I work with people who are committed to greater financial clarity in order to gain peace of mind and to live a generous life."