FOUND on husbands credit card bill : ccbill epoch, ccbill web wizard, ccbill soylent WHAT R THESE?

FOUND on husbands credit card bill : ccbill epoch, ccbill web wizard, ccbill soylent WHAT R THESE?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.


"How much a month would a 6,000 dollar loan be?"

i am eighteen and have not established any credit yet. i am 6,000 dollars short of my dream car and i am in college and work. making about 500 dollars a month. about how much? maybe some options will help like 2-5 years?"

Is $1200 too expensive to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

I have only checked two places in my town but this place seems to be very good although im concerned about the price. Is this an average cost of filing or too much? Thank you

How do i find a loan shark?

hiya im wondering how you can find a loan shark...? im trying to get a loan but cos of bad credit caused by my ex im finding it hard to obtain a loan for 15,000. i know what loan sharks are like, and have tried every single loan company possible!! but without any luck. im not interested in scams either, so try not to fob me off with one as this is a serious post!"

Having bad credit & Signing up with AT&T cell service?

If someone has bad credit (maybe, very bad) will AT&T still allow you to have non-pre pay cell service? I know some cellular companies will allow customers to make a deposit to guarantee they will get paid. Sprint also gives customers a spending limit. Hoping someone has experience with this or maybe works for AT&T. :) Wanted to get info before contacting the company to avoid having to hear an unecessary sales pitch."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can I negotiate directly with a credit card company instead of the collection agency?

It turns out that Capitol One still owns the debt, the collection agency works for them. Does this make a difference in negotiation or am I still better off?"

Is it possible to get a mortgage on a cheap house? Can you finance just $20K?

The house I would like to buy would only cost me about 25,000 - 30,000 dollars. If i make a down payment of about $5,000, is it realistically possible to get a mortgage for 20,000? I have excellent credit score, but I've heard from people that banks would be reluctant about agreeing to a mortgage under 35K. Is this true?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What site can i really truely get a FREE credit report?

What site can i really truely get a FREE credit report?

If something costs $16.95 and You get 10% off how much do u pay?

This isent HW HELP i just didnt find another category

Credit Card Question! I'm lost.?

Okay, so I just got a credit card with a 500 dollar limit. APR is 19.8% I want to buy something for $419.00. I'm trying to figure out what my monthly payment will be plus what does a 19.8% apr mean? How much more money is that going to tack on? Please don't make fun of me or tell me I shouldn't have a credit card. I have a good enough job that I can pay this off, I just don't know much about credit cards."

When is it possibiable to buy a house with VA Loan?

hey everyone, my husband got out the military sep08. he is in college right now and looking for a job. my question is, can he get a loan with VA as soon he started working or does he have to work for like a year or two so he will get a house loan? thanks"

What is the difference between apr and annual fee for credit cards?

if annual fee is how much your paying annually then what is the apr im new with credit cards and i have no clue what the terms mean

I need help witht his accounting question !?

If a two-column (all purpose) general journal, a purchases journal, and a cash payments journal are used, indicate the journal in which each of the following transactions should be recorded: a)payment of rent, b)purchase of supplies on account, c)purchase of computer on account, d)purchase of supplies for cash, e)advance payment of a one-year fire insurance policy on the office, f)adjustment to record accrued salaries at the end of the period, g)adjustment to record depreciation at the end of the month, h)payment of an account payable"

Is it a good idea to pay your property taxes separate from your mortgage?

My property taxes are $8400. Ouch...thanks to all of you for your's helped me alot!! : )

How to get a copy of your credit history?

credit cards and anything else you might owe money to. and how much will it cost to get the history?

I need an auto loan but I have bad credit. Would this work?

I have been approved for an auto loan with my income of 1500/month, however I cannot provide proof of income since I make nearly all of my money in cash from tutoring on campus. The company will accept a letter from an employer stating that I'm full time and make 1500/month. My father owns his own company and I was thinking couldn't he hire"" me FT and write the letter they are looking for? Thanks"""

Do you think borrowing money's bad?


"Where can I get a free FICO score, credit rating and credit report?"

I am looking to get my report and scores, but isnt there a place where you can sign up for a free liting and NOT have to pay for anything else or sign up for any programs?"

Bank filing conversion charges; Converting auto loan to auto theft!!?

I am in repo status on my vehicle. I have just recently got a job to pay the amount that is past due. I didn't make payments because I lost my other job. I am 5 months past due. The repo man just left me a note stating that the bank is considering filing conversion charges on me which means converting the auto loan to auto theft."" What does this mean? Is this real or just a scare tactic? What could happen to me? I need to know asap please. If I let the car go now before I make the first payment this month"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Car repo advice.its been 3 yearsleave it or what? I'm trying to get a house.?

I was told recently that if a debt is 3 years old, leave it alone. If it is older than 3, let it be. I made the mistake of paying off credit cards that had defaulted 3 years agoI had lost my job back then and now I have a great job and I was trying to do the ethical thing. What I actually did though was hurt my credit score by reactivating old debt. In regard to the repo'd car, I haven't done anything on it. I voluntarily surrendered it when I could no longer pay for it (Even though I tried to have people take over payments, get another cheaper car etc.). I KNOW that there are some debt collectors that would be able to advise me with their secrets of the industry. One debt collector said that thre are $40,000 collection accounts settled for $3,000 all the time (with Ford Motor). This is not a Ford car, but I can tell you I owe $36,000. I want to get a mortgage loan and my credit is only 15 or so points shy of qualifying for a good rate. What do you guys advise I do regarding this old debt? As of last month, the debt was sold to a collection agency. I was NOT informed when the car went to auction, etc. I've just found these things out by pulling my credit report."

Where do I find student credit cards?

I'm 20 yrs old, and looking for a credit card to start building credit with. I heard you can get student credit cards with lower rates. I'm a college student, already recieving FAFSA financial aid (about $3500 a semester), but i wanted to get a credit card to build credit. I have a good job, and have been paying for everything with my debit, or checking account."

I was a single mom for 8 years. I got in over my head with payday loans. What if I stop paying?

What if I pay one of those settlement companies? My due day is tomorrow. Only one is on the internet. How do I stop this? I could be so happy w/o them.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

FOUND on husbands credit card bill : ccbill epoch, ccbill web wizard, ccbill soylent WHAT R THESE?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can a company go into my checking without my knowledge and take out money for a bill?

Loan company owe for a car payment

What's your favorite commercial? Here's mine......?

I typically don't like commercials either when I am trying to watch a television program. So I'm with you on that one. ; )

"If we will be filing bankruptcy, would you. . .?"

zzsleep, I am an honest person, I pay my debts back, but the reality is, wanting and doing are 2 totally different things. We had some major hardships that resulted in our once excellent credit. We have finally after over a year of struggling and having to worry about our home and our family (we have 2 small children,) realized we need help. Getting a loan doesn't help, and since my husband and I are both orphans, well we have no one to help us get out of this hole. Since credit card companies have gotten a break through a stimulus package they really won't be taking a loss from what my research has shown. Any personal debt through friends has been paid off, but again, we can't handle the credit card debt any longer."

What happens when you declare bankruptcy?

What happens when you declare bankruptcy?

"If your house gets foreclosed on, do they give you a 30 day notice?"

My parents, my brothers and I live in a house In Philadelphia that we cannot afford mortgage payments for. We haven't paid our mortgage in 6+ months, I'm not entirely sure. We got paperwork from our mortgage lender about the Making Home Affordable program and we filled it out and are hoping they can refinance our mortgage to something we can afford. I think I was told that once it's in review any foreclosure proceedings are halted, until they determine if we're eligible or not... What I'm asking is, if they determine we're ineligible and they proceed with the foreclosure, will we get some kind of 30 day notice before we have to leave or will someone show up randomly one day and demand us all to get out? It's really worrisome... Also, my parents recently filed bankruptcy. I don't know if that effects foreclosure at all. Does anyone know?"


For the credit song f-r-e-e that spells free song does the one part go now instead of looking fly and rolling phat..."" or ""now instead of looking fly im looking fat..."" ive seen it both ways several times..."""

Auto loan for people with no credit history?

I have no credit history, have a brand new SSN, what all options do i have who will grant me auto loan"

I can't pay my payday loans back?

I have a few payday loans. I have lost my job, my bank account has been closed and I have filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. What can they do to me?"

When is bankruptcy the best solution?

When is bankruptcy the best solution?

What's the cheapest easiest way to file bankruptcy?

We need to file NOW!! Any advice??

Which chapter of bankruptcy is it?

Which bk do you file to get full relief of the debts (full discharge) I dont have any property I am trying to keep like a car or house.But I have heard some people say they had payments to make what payments are they talking about.I thought the bk wiped away your debts.Or does it??

Auto loans help and info.?

I'm 18 I want to buy a nicer car I have stable work making $500 a month have 2000 to put down want a car about 6000-7000 could I get an auto loan?


Bn no hoc ang s dng xe my Shark ca SYM xin cho ti bit thc t v xe ny th no vi: Cht lng ni chung? bn, bc ca my? Tiu th nhin liu? Mc chc chn?... Ti tham kho trn mng, mi ngi bnh mt kiu. Ngi ang s dng th hu ht khen, ngi cha th ch, nht l bo my khng bn, tn xng... Tt nhin l ti mun nh gi i vi c th xe Shark ca SYM vi gi l 45 triu (ch r mua u l r nht???) ch khng phi vi 150 triu ca SH. Thank so much!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"If I apply for an auto loan at a car dealership, which credit bureau do they usually pull my credit score from

I just pulled my credit scores from the three bureaus and they are: Transunion: 697 Experian: 702 Equifax: 689 I'm hoping they pull my score from Experian! Will I qualify for a good rate if I go to the dealership for a new car?

Is 719 a good credit score?

I had a credit score of 750 before and now it was down to 719. I'm good at paying my debts in full 2 weeks before due date. But my score hasn't been changed in a month. 719 falls in Fair"" range and I will have trouble getting the best loan."""

Mortgage interest rate is 6.5% (conservative)...?

I dont know all of the financing terminology, but I was offered a 6.5% interest rate for a mortgage. They also gave me a conservative mortgage. This was explained to me but I still dont get it. maybe because the guy was talking to fast and every question I had, he spoke even faster. Is 6.5% good, not good? What is conservative mortgage?"

Where can I get a $5000.00 with bad credit?

I have been out of work for a year and have recently started a job. I am looking for a loan to clear up some bills and purchase a few items. I also need to get my son daycare which I don't have the money to pay for it until I get paid. I have bad credit however, I am working on that. My credit report shows bankruptcy but that is not the case I am paying my credit cards back on a chapter 128 and it was not suppose to be listed as bankruptcy. I am currently working on that issue. For now though I need to find a lender that can borrow me the money to catch some bills up and I am even willing to let them take there paymetns right out of my paycheck. Does anyone know of any lenders?"

Capital One Monkey Home Loan Commercial?

I cannot find this anywhere. It is so funny! Yet, so true. This woman goes in for a home loan. She gets a monkey on her back. He/She (the monkey) keeps breaking things, throwing away money and tonight I seen a new ending tonight to it when the monkey sat there and threw a drink at a cop car. I want to see this commercial fully, but Capital One apparently don't have a site where you can check their commercials out. Anywho........ does anyone out there have it??? Can you like put it on youtube? Or.... if you know somewhere on the web where others can check it out, that would be great."

Is there a free credit report site with no strings attached ?

Everytime I try to go to a free credit report""website"

What is the best web site to go to in order to get my FREE annual Credit Report? W/Out signing up for anything

I keep finding a web site that I think is the one, and then I am told I have to become a member and will get charged if I don't cancel the membership in X amount of days and so on....HELP!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How long do I have to finance my car and pay it off before it looks REALLY good on my credit?

I took out an auto loan in May 2010. This is my first car to finance. I want it to look really good on my credit. How long do I have to make payments on it, before I pay it off and it looks like a big plus on my credit reports? Please tell me how you KNOW this too."

FOUND on husbands credit card bill : ccbill epoch, ccbill web wizard, ccbill soylent WHAT R THESE?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.


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