To FOUND something is to start or establish something that will continue. To have FOUND something means you were in the act of finding it in the past – discovering something that was previously created or founded.
Why does creation (present tense) and discovery (past tense) become the same word? It could just be coincidence. Similar original words from the Latin fundus for foundation, the Latin fundere for casting metal, and the English find for discovery.
But creation (FOUNDING something) is really in large part discovering (and finding) previous things (assets, relationships) and building upon them. It is not magic when FOUNDING something - you don’t truly create something from nothing, you create something from something that others were not recognizing.
You don’t have to make something perfect to FOUND it, just find enough to make it sustainable and find a way to let others continue it. That would be finding your way to FOUND something.
But who decides what “your way” is? You can find the way that others have and learn from it. If you did that in the past then you found (discovered) your way. But if you are actively doing it in the present are you FOUNDING your way?