Foul Play - A Serial Story: Part -8-
Previously on:?Foul Play
Foul Play - A Serial Story:
Part -8-?
Airport Office -
The following months.
Jason compiled his case in great detail, combining this with business trips, what Korob resisted fiercely, during which he secured his most loyal foreign partners in America, India, South Africa and more, of their continued support. Also 5 of his most important local customers , good for 75% of sales subscribed the MBO idea. This to avoid the risk of an exodus by involving all the parties far too early.
The funding opportunities were mapped out and exploratory talks started.
At the intercession of Louis a list was compiled.
The existing relationship with the House Banker since 1983 earned sure continuation. Contacts with a Business Angel[1], also a household name in Belgium since 1992, were a must. Jason was invited to present his business case to initial industrial investors at BAN, the Business Angels Network, a reputable business school spin-off.
Some 10 meetings were held, out of which 3 banks where shortlisted including the house banker. The latter was familiar with the evolutionary and, above all, fluctuative character of the sector and knew Jason Noble CEO of MaNoLo nv for quite some time, undoubtedly an advantage, he strongly believed so.
?But was this truly the case?
?Because no one could balance such an operation alone, 3 employees were entrusted in the ongoing plans against a verbal confidential and morality agreement. ?
That this was a miscalculation on account of one of them, would surface soon enough.
[1] An angel investor or angel (also known as a business angel, informal investor, angel funder, private investor, or seed investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. BAN in short.
Coming up on?Foul Play:?
Mike Tango Zulu
Note from the Editor:
Free translation of:?Vuil Spel?(Foul Play) from the same Author.
About the Author: Born from a litter of 6, where you always have to fight for attention and a share,?Paul Van den Brande?was prepared for business life. He became the achiever of the American Dream, from classifier to business owner of several Companies. Paul has incorporated his slogan?'Passion In Everything You Do!' in this book.
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental and unintentional, existing only in this story. Proprietary of Noble House Group – Be! Featuring?#NHGBe?, duplicating in any form whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher.