Fostering a More Caring Workplace This Fall
Heide Olson
Visionary, Founder & CEO of All In One Accounting | Advising entrepreneurs on profitable growth and helping nonprofit leaders amplify their impact
My schedule this time of year always feels like a whirlwind: a constant balancing act of work, family, and community commitments that give me joy but also make my head spin. And if I’m being honest, it’s a balance I’m still trying to perfect. Cheering on my kids at their hockey and soccer games is important to me—but doing so while also running a company and being present for my team can be hard some days.
With the days getting shorter—but back-to-school routines, kids’ activities, and family obligations ramping up—chances are you (and your employees) are feeling like this, too. If a busy fall has you on the brink of burnout or you notice your team’s engagement is waning, start with this most important reminder:
Lead the way by affording yourself and others some grace.
As a mom of four and entrepreneur, I know how stressful it can be to juggle responsibilities in and out of the office. I also know it’s possible to create a culture where employees find harmony in their work and personal lives—but that takes time and intentionality.
From one leader to another, here’s what I’ve found to be key:
·???????Put relationships first. One of the most important things we do at All In One Accounting is check in with each team member every week. Not only does this build trust with our staff, but it affords us the opportunity to help them achieve greater balance. We’re creating a culture where it’s okay to say “I have too much on my plate right now” because we know the well-being of our employees is what matters most.
·???????Be flexible with time off. Is one of your team members requesting a last-minute day off? Encourage (and accept) quick PTO movements—doing so shows that you’re empowering your employees to make good decisions for themselves. Your business will survive just fine without someone for a day or two. (And, they’ll likely return more energized and more engaged.)
·???????Stay organized. As a leader, you’re pulled in a hundred different directions every day. To show up better for your team, ensure you’re keeping yourself organized. Calendars are lifesavers for me, and whether you prefer an electronic calendar or your trusty planner is always within reach, double down on keeping your schedule up to date. I also love Life360, an app that keeps me and my teens connected. With one less thing to stress about during the day, I’m able to focus and be more present at work.
·???????Take care of yourself. This one is the most important. We can’t be our best—at home or at work—if we don’t prioritize our own physical, mental, and emotional health. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly are three things I do to put myself first. When this season feels especially taxing, I know there are benefits and supports that can help me get back on track, including our employee assistance program, paid time off, and HSA/FSA money that I can put toward health and well-being services.
This busy season won’t last forever, and through it all it’s necessary to keep perspective on what’s important. For me, that’s showing up for my team and my family. I do this by prioritizing my family’s Sunday evening check-ins and adding efficiencies when I can. For example, I’m an Instacart fan for life; it’s a service I started using during the height of the pandemic and one I’ve continued to rely upon because it helps me be more active and engaged as a parent and entrepreneur. I’m no longer afraid to delegate to others if I know doing so will benefit me and the relationships I value most.
In short: Keep your “why” top of mind and find ways to help your staff do the same. You don’t have to have all the answers right now, but taking an intentional approach to creating a caring, supportive workplace culture is always in style—no matter the season.?