Fostering digitization with an entrepreneurial approach!
Often we find ourselves asking how to improve user Experience in the digital world, whether they are customers, team members, candidates, or others. The initial reaction is to think there’s a lack of digital capabilities and to look at the latest and greatest SaaS tools to support these initiatives. SaaS technologies are an essential component of setting up a robust digital foundation, however, not always the right initial answer.
Within complex organizations, too often, technologies are purchased without a complete understanding of how they work or what they are for and, very often, without utilizing their full potential. Do not get me wrong, building a robust digital foundation is essential, and I am the first one asking for it. However, understanding the existing capabilities in our digital ecosystem and ensuring they are fully used is vital. Using what is available usually leads to innovation, optimization and preparing us to understand additional capabilities that we are missing.
Let’s consider three steps to help us drive digitization.
First, start by engaging with your customers to understand their business model!
Too often, our partners and customers know what they need to accomplish, and our role is pivotal in the process of digitizing it.
In the past, the engagement between a business and the technologists was very minimal. There was an occasional question or a short back-and-forth but it all operated on the premise that the client knows best without question and anything developed would follow their requirements to the point. In the world of this digital transformation, technologists like ourselves need to put an entrepreneurial hat on and ask the right questions.
It starts by considering how do we efficiently amplify the business opportunities in the most streamlined way. This calls for a comprehensive understanding of the daily business operations while limiting assumptions. Striving to put ourselves in clients’ shoes is a great first step.
The second question that we should ask is what capabilities do we currently have in our ecosystem?
This critical question leads to innovative ideas. I like to think of it as a health check; you would not add a new medication to complement existing ones without understanding what the current ones are doing for you. The same applies to technologies!
It can be challenging to engage vendor account executives; their mindset is to upsell add-ons under the pretense of enhancing capabilities. The best account executives are the ones encouraging the use of what has already been purchased. They know once we maximize existing tools, they’ve gained our loyalty. Understanding digital capabilities around the technologies in our ecosystem is essential to support digitization.
There is no easy answer in understanding exactly what the tools at your disposal are capable of doing. It is a process of experimenting and asking questions continuously. Often, we hear the phrase “This can’t be done!” Even so, the follow-up question should be “What can be done?”. Take the time to experiment and ask how we can do this better!
Third and foremost is engaging with the business continuously!
To accomplish digitization, there needs to be a direct relationship between the business, their customers and the digital teams. Why not incorporate that continuously in the operating model? This will capture the needs of a business on an ongoing basis as well as empower them to get their customers’ feedback. Sounds too easy? Well, yes, it is!
To give you an example: at Novant Health HR, our operating model with our Talent Acquisition team involves consultative services. We encourage team members to submit ideas and opportunities for improvement wherever possible. We empower their customers to have a voice in our system design, continuously provide them with recommendations on best practices and sharing new capabilities. Furthermore, we streamline and simplify the process so that it does not slow down the day-to-day business.
What is the outcome of this approach?
- Increased operational efficiency and substantial cost savings.
- Empowered business to have a footprint in the organizations' digitization within HR.
- Embedded HR operational model within the business.
- Capturing digital footprint along this holistic journey to enhance Workforce Analytics and to promote better decision-making.
- A superb Digital Experience. One example of a recent survey states that 98% of candidates (internal & external) have affirmed the ease in completing a job application at Novant Health.
This model is not limited to HR or any given business line, rather applicable to all engagements between the business, their customers and the digital teams. Following these three steps continuously should lead to an enhanced experience for all while helping organizations with their digital transformation journeys.
I would love to hear how your organization is amplifying digitization in the workplace.
About the author:
Alen Brcic is the Director of HR Technology at Novant Health, responsible for the digitization of the people business.
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