FoS Karsen Kitchen
?? The FUTURE of SPACE (FoS) video podcast, hosted by Daniel Fox, is a candid and informal conversation between Fox and leaders, investors, innovators, educators, celebrities, movers and shakers, who are shaping the future of humankind into outer space and here on Earth. Just like how two friends would chat and philosophize together, with one thing missing, a glass of wine! ??
Our Guest today is Karsen Kitchen . Kitchen?is a 21-year-old senior majoring in communication studies and minoring in in astronomy at the 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 (UNC), who recently made history by becoming the youngest woman to fly to Space. She crossed the Kármán line, which marks the internationally recognized boundary of Space, onboard Blue Origin ’s New Shepard spaceship, during the NS-26 flight, on August 29, 2024. Kitchen recently founded Orbitelle to provide educational opportunities and help young women to “find their place in Space.” The group encourages all women, even those who are not pursuing STEM education, as the industry needs employees with various backgrounds.
You can find all podcast episodes on the FUTURE of SPACE website and remember to subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and other platforms.