Is Forward-Thinking Tax Strategy a Part of Your Wealth Plan?

Is Forward-Thinking Tax Strategy a Part of Your Wealth Plan?

I am blessed to be both the friend and the accountant to people that I think of as…

Top Line Earners.


They have the wealth mindset. 


Money comes to them quickly and easily more often than not.


Because…they put themselves in the flow of money.


We recognize that it’s a flow, an energy of its own.


Especially in the digital era.


There is no shortage.


Abundance occurs for those who recognize it, and all is well. 


Now, when I say top line earner I’m talking about gross income.


On a profit and loss, aka an income statement, the money-in is in the top portion.


There may be one, four, or many categories, but they sum subtotal to a line known as Gross Income.


The Top Line.


Then comes the part that adjusts gross income to net income, which is mostly cost of goods sold and expenses. 


Each with their own subtotals, carry down to…


The Bottom Line.


That’s the part you keep, and what you pay tax on. 




Do you know what that number is at the end of every single month?


Do you make estimated tax payments on all four (or at least three!) of those deadlines?


Here’s the big question…ready for this?


Do you account for the inevitable self-employment tax that is ADDED to your income tax? 


You have to pay that sosh and Medicare nut.


Millions of retiring baby-boomers are depending on us!


But…do you have to pay SO DAMNED MUCH just because your business is doing better?


Almost like a middle-class punishment for beginning to live the dream?










You can wave an S-Corporation “wand” over yourself, and pay a more reasonable fair share of this ugly burden.


This is what I do for people…


…and why I love doing it.


Helping good people maximize their BOTTOM line, and keep more of what they work hard for.


Want to talk about how? 


I never charge for my first call.


And, I love to talk to new people, and help them with THEIR business dreams.


Let’s talk!

Click Here to ~ Schedule Time With Me ~


Eric Owings, EA, CSPPM的更多文章

