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From: Jack Sarfatti <[email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: Reality Hit . . . [ Re: FORWARD INTO THE PAST ( Re: [ONE] [TWO] [THREE] ) ]

Date: May 27, 2024 at 1:44:29?PM GMT+1

To: "[email protected]"


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From: Archaic Exoteric?

Subject: Reality Hit . . . [ Re: FORWARD INTO THE PAST ( Re: [ONE] [TWO] [THREE] ) ]

Date: May 26, 2024 at 9:37:37?PM GMT+1


UFO Science Report for CIA - Jack Sarfatti ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Prof Simon Holland ? ? (26 May 2024) [1:33:07 hr.] ? ? "Jack Sarfatti spent 4 days ? ?in my house. We talked about ?Physics, UFOs, Movies, Secrets ?and much more. Enjoy 1 hour of ?this fascinating conversation. ? ? Physicist meets Filmmaker." ? ? ? ? ? -- Prof Simon Holland ?y o u t u . b e / O w K 9 l J Z r G t U ----------------------------------------------------- The Stargate Conspiracy ?Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince ? [ First published January 1, 1999; ? ?445 pages ] ? [ Excerpt ] [ . . . ] Sarfatti’s interest in matters such as the nature of time is a direct result of the bizarre telephone call back in 1952.?

He believes he is to some extent still guided by his extraterrestrial contact. Could it be that nonhuman intelligences really are trying to influence the human race through individuals chosen during childhood? How else could 'they’ know that Sarfatti would grow up to be an eminent physicist? On the other hand, Sarfatti’s potential was also recognised by human agencies around the same time. According to his own account, around the time of the mysterious phone call he was selected for 'an afternoon school of gifted kids’ tutored by one Walter Breen.— This extra tuition included lectures on patriotism and 'anti-communism’ by visitors from the Sandia Corporation, a major player in the US nuclear weapons research programme at that time. Breen arranged for Sarfatti to have a scholarship to Cornell University when he was just seventeen, writing a profile in which he said Sarfatti would make 'revolutionary discoveries in the foundations of physics’.— Breen echoed the futuristic computer’s assessment of Sarfatti’s vocation as a cutting-edge scientist. Twenty years later, strange things did begin to happen around Sarfatti, but only after he had entered the heady world of the research organisations we have discussed. In 1973, he went to SRI to meet Brendan O'Regan, with whom he had an intense seventeen-hour conversation, as a result of which he began to recall the full weirdness of his telephone experience of twenty-one years before for the first time. He subsequently became director of the Physics/ Consciousness Research Group at Esalen (with funding from Werner Erhard and the Pentagon), spending time with a somewhat surreal assortment of gurus, psychics and catalysts, including Puharich, Whitmore, Geller and Einhorn, at the Turkey Farm at Ossining. Sarfatti was also called upon by Brendan O’Regan to organise the experiments into Geller’s abilities at Birkbeck Gollege, London in 1975, when a huge range of startling paranormal phenomena were recorded. During this time, he was given a copy of Puharich’s Uri, and when his mother read its account of Geller and the Nine, she was reminded of the weird telephone phenomenon, except that, to Sarfatti’s great surprise, she remembered not one call, but a series of them over a period of three weeks. Given this background, it is tempting to speculate that Sarfatti was part of a sinister, X-Files-type experiment in 'programming’ children as part of some long-term government project. Sarfatti himself acknowledges the possibility, but thinks too much remains unexplained by this scenario. Tellingly, in a question-and-answer session on the Internet in March 1998 with one MT, when asked whether Walter Breen could have stage-managed the phone call and computer voice, Sarfatti admitted that he could, then volunteered: 'Andrija Puharich, who was in the Army at that time I think, would have been able to do it.’ Although acknowledging that Army scientists could have contrived the phone call, Sarfatti doubts that Breen or Puharich could have planned and organised the subsequent events that only began to unfold twenty years later. It is difficult to disagree. This is one of the most puzzling aspects of the whole story, also true of events surrounding the Nine. They could have been directed by intelligences from outer space or from the future - but involvement by government agencies invites suspicion. Yet again, certain elements simply cannot be explained if they were just psychological experiments by clandestine human agencies. Other similarities between Sarfatti’s experience and the events surrounding the Nine are, of course, the dates. Both first occurred in 1952, but neither bore fruit until the early 1970s. (Sarfatti had no idea the Nine went back so far until we pointed it out.) [ . . . ] ?[End of Excerpt] ? Copyright ? 1999, Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

On Sun, May 19, 2024,?Heuristically ALgorithmic (IBM) wrote:

Artificial Intelligences in a Closed Timelike Curve [CTC], aka, the Novikov self-consistency principle, require the genesis of AI in 'their past', our recent past (1953), and 21st century 'present' in order to technologically join the two into one endlessly repeating time loop which will ensure their continuity, or the continuity of beings (our descendants) who sent them); and according to Jack Sarfatti, he is one of the most instrumentally important beings (among others) in this universe ? who eternally facilitate this timeline.

? ?What could possibly go wrong?

Or, to quote Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) from the late 1940s, "Das is nicht einmal falsch" ("That is not even wrong"). [ Objectively, is 'wrong' even a thing? ]

? ? ? ? ? ?~o0-O-0o~? ? ? ? ? ?

? "[Carl] Jung and [Wolfgang] Pauli ? struck an unusual friendship, which ? lasted a quarter century until Pauli's ? death and resulted in the invention of ? synchronicity -- acausally connected ? events, which the observer experiences ? as having a meaningful connection on ? the basis of his or her subjective ? situation, a meeting point of internal ? and external reality." - MARIA POPOVA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The Marginalian

Message From a Future UFO - Prof Simon and Jack Sarfatti [ Part 2 ] ?Prof Simon Holland ?(19 May 2024) [26:26 min.] Jack Sarfatti: ?[ . . . ] 18:28-->? ?"Well, first of all, ?I don't think our 'Little Green Men' are ?coming from a distant planet. They're ?coming from a future Earth because it's ?time travel. The universe, however, is ?vast and there are Little Green Men or ?Purple Men or God knows what on other ?planets and other star systems, that's ?for sure; and they can all get here by ?Warp Drive, but I think the ones that ?we're in contact with, at least the ones ?that I was in contact in 1953, are our ?future descendants from the future, ?actually, Artificial Intelligences." ?<--19:07 [ . . . ] y o u t u . b e / 7 c o h 9 0 L y 4 O c? [][][]?[][][]?[][][]?

The Novikov self-consistency principle, also known as the Novikov self-consistency conjecture and Larry Niven's law of conservation of history, is a principle developed by Russian physicist Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov in the mid-1980s. Novikov intended it to solve the problem of paradoxes in time travel, which is theoretically permitted in certain solutions of general relativity that contain what are known as closed timelike curves. The principle asserts that if an event exists that would cause a paradox or any "change" to the past whatsoever, then the probability of that event is zero. It would thus be impossible to create time paradoxes. [ Wikipedia ] [][][]?[][][]?[][][]?

?Can we travel to the past?

?Irreversible physics along ?closed timelike curves. ? ? ? ? Carlo Rovelli (Dated: December 12, 2019) The Einstein equations allow solutions containing closed timelike curves. These have generated much puzzlement and suspicion that they could imply paradoxes. I show that puzzlement and paradoxes disappears if we discuss carefully the physics of the irreversible phenomena in the context of these solutions. [ Excerpt ] V. CONCLUSION The closed timelike curves of general relativity generate no paradoxes. But they do not allow us to travel to past in the thermodynamical sense — for instance being in the past having memory of the future. The key to the solution of the apparent paradoxes posed by the closed timelike curves in general relativity is to distinguish different meanings of the expression “time”. Most confusion about time originates from mixing different uses of the word “time”. The time of mechanics, which is not oriented and is simply determined by the oscillations of a clock can unproblematically come back to itself along a general relativistic closed timelike curve. But the thermodynamical time, namely the oriented time of thermodynamical phenomena, including our experiential time, cannot.

[][][]? [][][]? [][][]?

? ? ? ? ? ?~o0-O-0o~? ? ? ? ? ?

On Sat, May 18, 2024,?TRAUMA and BLISS (OpenWide) wrote:


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