Forward Fashion: Faux Leather
Whether it be a pair of black leather pants or a pair of leather boots, leather is the perfect fall or winter fashion statements. Leather can be used for a variety of clothes or accessories. Whether it be a jacket, a handbag, or even a leather skirt. While leather may seem like the perfect staple to your wardrobe, the process of making these items might make you think twice about your purchasing decisions.?
The Downside To Real Leather
The process behind making your favorite pair of leather boots might actually surprise you. Leather is made from a diverse range of animals. These animals are ostriches, lizards, eels, sheep, goats, cattle, and even more. These animals are held captive as livestock before the real process begins. At times, the conditions in which the animals are kept aren't suitable. The pens can be overcrowded and barely suitable for comfortable living. The animals are then taken to a slaughter house to be killed so their skin can be used to create the leather. Many companies look the other way when it comes to the treatment and killing of animals for leather.?
Environmental concerns are another downside to the leather-making process. According to Peta, “Animals on factory farms produce 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population, without the benefit of waste treatment plants” (Environmental Hazards of Leather, 2021). Not only are animals being treated terribly on factory farms, they are creating a great deal of pollution as well. Other factories that are a part of the leather-making process contribute to pollution as well. The animal skin is put through a process in factories called “tanning”. Many chemicals and pollutants are used while tanning, creating a harmful environment for those who work in the factories and live around them. Tannery pollutants include salt, lime sludge, sulfides, and acids (Environmental Hazards of Leather, 2021). Many designers don’t consider the effects creating leather have on our environment.
Creating an Alternative
Some designers have considered the negative effects of real leather. There have been multiple designers that have come up with solutions to creating faux leather that is ecologically friendly. Many companies call this leather, “vegan leather”. This type of leather is created from sustainable materials such as fruit waste, plants, and recycled plastics. These leathers have the same look and feel as real leather would. Vegan leather is also available in the same cut and colors as any other leather would.?
The Sustainability of Faux Leather
While some may argue vegan leather is just as bad for the environment as real leather, designer and founder of Von Holzhausen, Vicki Von Holzhausen can argue otherwise. Holzhausen has created a leather that isn't even considered “vegan” leather. Holzhausen has created a “technik-leather”, replicating real leather. This faux leather is created using polyurethane that’s made through a sustainable process that is 99 percent waste-free (Farra, 2018). Holzhausen claims she’s on an ethical mission while creating fashionable leather. Not only does Holzhausen’s brand lower emissions, the impact of vegan-leather production is up to a third lower than real leather (Davis, 2021).?
Faux Leather Brands
Many designers and companies have made the move to produce faux leather. Some of your favorite designer brands are still using real leather. Some of these high-end brands that still use real leather are Gucci, Chanel, Christian Dior, Christian Louboutin, and more. Designers that use faux-leather aren’t as well known as these luxury brands. However, here are some alternative brands that sell faux leather accessories:?
Creating a Movement
Many designers have found many alternatives to creating a durable yet sustainable faux leather. These designers have decided to completely ditch creating real leather accessories. This movement was created to help limit the amount of pollution and emissions and prevent animal cruelty. With this movement, there is hope that popular luxury items will potentially switch to faux leather as well.?
Davis, J. (2021, March 13). Is Vegan Leather Worse For The Environment Than Real Leather? Harper's BAZAAR. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from
Environmental Hazards of Leather. PETA. (2021, June 14). Retrieved October 11, 2022, from
Farra, E. (2018, November 8). Is Faux Leather Even Better Than The Real Thing? These 3 Designers Say Yes. Vogue. Retrieved October 11, 2022, from
Vegan leather: What it is and why it belongs in your closet. PETA. (2022, May 19). Retrieved October 11, 2022, from