This fortnight in science and technology policy and advocacy
Science & Technology Australia
Advancing the role, reputation and impact of science and technology in Australia.
Science & Technology Australia CEO Misha Schubert's message
As the world mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II, STA honours her vast commitment to public service, and her lifelong passion for the transformative power of science and technology. Last year, the Queen joined school students in a video chat to mark British Science Week, sharing insights on meeting the first astronaut to head into space, Yuri Gugarin.
How superb that Science & Technology Australia President Professor Mark Hutchinson is one of three eminent leaders appointed by Education Minister Jason Clare to review the Australian Research Council’s role and functions.
His appointment ensures an active researcher – and one with an impressive record across his career in both discovery and translational research – is among those shaping the future of the granting agency at a pivotal moment in its history.
The Minister also issued a new Statement of Expectations to the ARC - which says the National Interest Test should be clearer, simpler and more easily understood for researchers.
The recent Jobs and Skills Summit brought together many national decision-makers. The key outcomes are here. They included launching a review to drive stronger gains on diversity in the sector and its workforce.
STA welcomed the review. We are pleased it will look at structural and cultural barriers to the participation of women and other under-represented groups – and help identify the most effective programs at driving diversity gains in the sector so they can be scaled up to propel faster progress.
On Friday the major business group CEDA released its report ‘Harnessing science x technology to drive Australian innovation and growth’. Many of STA’s ideas and proposals on how to support science commercialisation are reflected in the report – and several STA members participated in the roundtables that shaped it.
And in his speech to the CEDA conference, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the Government would support the work of the science community by:
- Signalling a respect for science, evidence and research.
- Valuing foundational work - as well as commercial applications.
- Creating a sense of certainty and support for long-term projects, so researchers and scientists can do their work without looking over their shoulder, or spending their time re-applying for funding.”
In an historic moment for the country, on Friday the Government’s Climate Change Bill passed the Senate. STA’s submission and policy suggestions were quoted in the committee’s report. The amended bill will now return to the House of Representatives.
Also over the past fortnight, STA ran a series of networking events with our inspiring Superstars of STEM.
The gatherings followed their final in-person media training, where Superstars were put through their paces in newsrooms to hone their broadcast interview skills. A huge thank you to the many journalists who contributed their time, expertise and skill.
We will soon send a ‘save the date’ for next year’s Science Meets Parliament. The STA team is putting together a stellar program of speakers to make it our best yet. In the meantime, sponsorship opportunities are open if your organisation wants to associate itself with this world-leading event.
Finally, a huge congratulations to the Co-Chair of STA’s EDI Committee Professor Sumeet Walia for his Emerging Leader Eureka award, and to our Superstar of STEM Dr Kirsten Ellis for her STEM Inclusion Eureka Award. It’s great to see this richly-deserved recognition.
Until next time,
Misha Schubert. CEO, Science & Technology Australia
- The ARC released its Strategy 2022–2025.
- The New Industry Fellowships scheme was announced.
- The Prime Minister and Treasurer released the outcomes of the Jobs and Skills Summit.
- The Industry and Science Minister outlined a Digital and Tech Skills compact.
- The Education Minister and Home Affairs Minister announced an extension of post-study work rights for international students.
- The Industry and Science Minister announced a review into programs that support increased diversity in STEM.
- The Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications delivered its report on the Climate Change Bills.
- The Minister for Education released the simplified commercialisation IP framework.
- The Department of Defence released the 2022 Defence Information and Communications Strategy and the Defence Cyber Security Strategy.
- The Academy of Science released a new report – A national strategy for just adaptation.
- The Minister(s) for Social Services announced a partnership with the Tech Council to develop a virtual tech work experience program for school students and people who experience barriers to employment.
- NCVER released an analysis looking at career outcomes for people with VET vs. higher education qualifications.
- The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme has signed a collaboration agreement with similar bodies in the UK and Canada.
- The Tech Council released a report on Turning Australia into a Regional Tech Hub.
- The Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications will hold an inquiry into climate-related marine invasive species, due to report by 1 March 2023. No closing date for submissions yet.
- The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will hold an inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections. Submissions due by 18 November.
- The PBS seeks comment on the interim report on Efficient Funding of Chemotherapy.
- The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is consulting on: proposed amendments to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce; and a new Industrial Chemicals Standard. Input due by 19 September.
- Want to meet a Nobel Laureate? Early career researchers can apply for the opportunity to attend the Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany in June 2023. Apply by 28 September.
- Applications are open for The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2022 for entrepreneurs with great ideas to transform ocean health. Apply by 20 September.
- The Johnson & Johnson Scholars Award Program provides up to $150,000 to women leaders in STEM, manufacturing or design working at a university. Applications close 30 September.
- The Australian Defence Force has opened applications for the 2023 ADF Cyber Gap Program for students studying a cyber qualification at uni or TAFE.
- Applications are open for grants under the Community Impact Program of the Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative.
- Applications for ANSTO’s FutureNow scholarships are open.
- CSIRO is calling for applications from Victorian SMEs for the Innovate to Grow: Defence Victoria program.
DeadlyScience has a training and skill development opportunity for Indigenous people in project coordination. Applications close Friday 23 September. Project and role info here and applications here.
Australian Science Innovations has opened applications for its 22-23 Curious Minds program. Curious Minds is a mentoring program that provides exceptional Year 9 and 10 girls with the opportunity to develop their skills in STEM. They are currently looking for enthusiastic STEM coaches and high school students. Applications close 30 September 2022.
Superstar of STEM Felicity Furey and Dr Karl Kruszelnicki will host free Q&A sessions for students as part of Raytheon Australia's GradX program. Dr Karl will host a session for students at the University of Western Australia, showcasing great moments in engineering on 15 September at 6pm. Felicity Furey will host a free Q&A session for students on 20 September at 1pm at Griffith University about the future of STEM, with practical advice on how students can engineer their own future.
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Member benefits partner spotlight: gemaker helps Australian researchers to transfer new knowledge and technology into the world and supports innovators to grow sustainable businesses from great ideas. Their highly experienced team offers expert advice, services and training in industry engagement, commercialisation and marketing. STA Member organisations receive a free one-hour consultation. Learn more about gemaker and STA's Member Benefits Program.
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